[MassHistPres] Parking Lot in a Local Historic District
slater at alum.rpi.edu
slater at alum.rpi.edu
Fri Oct 16 15:33:48 EDT 2015
Springfield has always treated parking lots as separate from "Terraces,
walks, driveways, sidewalks and similar Structures". I can't give you a
legal basis for this treatment, but it should be obvious that the former
are common things which existed when most districts were first built;
large parking lots were unheard of in that era.
We have allowed new parking lots within our districts when they are
necessary and beneficial to the neighborhood and/or properties; we
typically have required the lots to have some kind of landscaping or
decorative fencing which makes them integrate better, or also require a
larger setback from the public way.
Ralph Slate
Springfield Historical Commission
<-----Original Message----->
>The Summer Avenue Local Historic District, in Reading, is facing a
>with regard to a 38-car parking lot that is proposed to be built among
>stately historic homes. I am writing on behalf of a neighborhood
coalition that
>would appreciate any feedback this group has to offer.
>Current situation (more detailed background information is below):
>The Historic District Bylaw is pretty standard, in that it calls for
the review
>of Structures, and a parking lot is a Structure. Reading's LHD Bylaw,
>goes on to exclude from the Commission's purview, "Terraces, walks,
>sidewalks and similar Structures, ." The Applicant claims that the
>parking lot is a "similar Structure" and excluded from review. Reading
>Counsel may be leaning towards the same position. There is still time
>influence the District Commission to find that the parking lot is NOT a
>Structure," and IS in their jurisdiction.
>Feedback from other LHDs, or anyone with ideas or a precedent, will be
>Further background:
>The Applicant (under a P&S for 186-190 Summer Avenue) seeks a
Certificate of
>Appropriateness to develop an early childhood (0-3 yrs) developmental
>intervention facility in the Summer Avenue Historic District (named by
>Magazine in 2007 among the "Best Streets" North of Boston).
Unfortunately, the
>Applicant is afforded the opportunity to develop the iconic 1850
>under the State's archaic Dover Amendment, which trumps local zoning.
Now, 16
>months into the process (of public meetings & hearings), they have
>their project down to "no" exterior changes to the historic house or
barn -
>where they had previously proposed a massive addition that dwarfed the
>buildings. The project, however, still includes the 38-car parking lot,
>has presented the question of the Commission's jurisdiction.
>I would be glad to email pictures to anyone who like to see the house,
>streetscape or proposed parking. I could not attach them to this email.
>Kathryn Greenfield for
>01867 Neighborhood Preservation
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