[MassHistPres] FW: Winchester, MA community-wide survey plan RFP
Szekely, Brian
bszekely at winchester.us
Tue Aug 23 12:10:59 EDT 2016
Good morning Preservation Professionals,
The Town of Winchester is seeking proposals from qualified historic preservation consultants to undertake a community-wide survey plan to identify cultural and architectural resources, assess previous surveys, and make recommendations regarding the focus of future survey projects in the town of Winchester. This Request for Proposals (RFP) below and attached stipulates the procedures and requirements to be used by the Town in its selection for consulting services.
Brian Szekely
Winchester Town Planner
71 Mt. Vernon Street
Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 721-7162
bszekely at winchester.us
Town of Winchester
Winchester Historical Commission
Winchester Community-wide Survey Plan
Date of Advertisement:
Thursday August, 25, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016, 10:00 am
Late Proposals Will Be Rejected
Town of Winchester
Office of the Town Planner
71 Mount Vernon Street, Winchester, MA 01890
For further information, please contact:
Brian Szekely, Town Planner, Town of Winchester, at 781-721-7162 bszekely at winchester.us TOWN OF WINCHESTER, OFFICE OF THE TOWN PLANNER
The Town of Winchester (Town) is seeking proposals from qualified historic preservation consultants to undertake a community-wide survey plan to identify cultural and architectural resources, assess previous survey, and make recommendations regarding the focus of future survey projects in the town of Winchester. This Request for Proposals (RFP) stipulates the procedures and requirements to be used by the Town in its selection for consulting services. The project will be divided into three phases, to be completed over a nine-month period:
PHASE I - Initiation of Work: Identification of historic resources and maps available for the project; review of existing inventory forms, National Register nominations and other information; identification of historic themes, events, resources and potential neighborhood survey units; initiation of research and field reconnaissance survey.
. PHASE II - Field Reconnaissance Survey: Establish survey methodology, plans and priorities; determine threats to areas and resources; complete field reconnaissance survey and identify recommended neighborhood units and properties for future inventory or inventory update
. PHASE III -- Survey Master Plan and Project Completion: Prepare a phased and prioritized Survey Master Plan, inventory proposal packages and cost estimates by phase and a map(s) of neighborhood survey units and properties for survey.
The Town will evaluate all timely proposals to ensure that all required submittals have been included in responses and that all responses meet the Minimum Evaluation Criteria. Proposals that are deemed to be complete shall be presented to a selection committee consisting of the Town Planner and members of the Winchester Historical Commission and reviewed/ranked using the Comparative Evaluation Criteria. The top-ranked proposals will also be reviewed by the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) before an award can be made. Activities will commence immediately upon MHC concurrence with the Town's selection of a proposal and issuance of a Notice to Proceed. Proposers must provide fee amounts for these four tasks in their proposal. The Town has established a budget not to exceed $10,000.
All questions regarding this Request for Proposal must be received by the Town no later than __:00 AM on Friday, August __, 2016 and addressed to the attention of Brian Szekely, Town Planner, Town of Winchester and may be e-mailed, and if e-mailed must be marked in the subject line "RFP Historic Properties Survey" to bszekely at winchester.us or faxed to 781-721-7166.
The project area will include the town of Winchester, Massachusetts.
The Project is being funded in part by the Town of Winchester, and in part through a Massachusetts Historical Commission Survey and Planning Grant, with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
Historically, survey and documentation in Winchester was produced in limited phases of intense effort interspersed by periods of inactivity. This has produced an unusually large number of documented resources. However, the quality of that documentation fails to meet current standards for survey. During 1978-1979, approximately 2,000 buildings or sites were documented entirely through volunteer effort. The methodology for this project involved the use of the 1917 Sanborn Insurance Atlas to identify all buildings constructed prior to that date. Information included in MHC Inventory Forms was generally limited to the identification of occupants using contemporary street indexes. Of this number approximately 32 area forms and 525 individual properties were listed in MACRIS (an additional 488 are numbered within National Register Districts without any documentation at the individual level, for a total balance of approximately 1013). In 1989 approximately 350 properties were listed on the National Register of Historic Places individually and in districts; subsequently this number was expanded through several planning projects driven by state-level review, including districts documenting the Mystic Valley Parkway and the Aberjona River. More recently the Boston University Preservation Studies Program documented an additional approximately 75 properties as part of student projects, for which there was no local funding. In 2014 approximately 40 properties in the Center Business District were documented through funding from the Winchester Planning Board as the preservation planning component of a rezoning and regulatory effort (subsequently approved by Fall 2015 Town Meeting). Currently the Commission has undertaken a survey project documenting approximately 50 buildings in the Rangeley Park area, in which a Heritage District has been established, in order to support preservation planning-related administration and review within the district. This project was funded by a $5,000 appropriation from Town Meeting. However, the majority of previous documentation, specifically that completed during the 1970s, is not adequate in regard to the current preservation planning needs of the town, especially with ongoing administrative needs related to both the Demolition Delay By-Law and Heritage Districts.
The purpose of the project will be to conduct communitywide reconnaissance survey and to prepare a survey plan to guide an updating and expansion of the comprehensive inventory of the cultural resources of the Town of Winchester. Specific project goals will include the following:
1) To provide a reconnaissance level description of the nature and distribution of historic and architectural resources in Winchester;
2) To identify and assess documentary materials concerning the history of the Town of Winchester;
3) To provide a preliminary identification and assessment of the nature and location of historic and cultural resources in the Town of Winchester, including previously undocumented or under-documented resources;
4) To identify selection criteria and priorities for comprehensive survey of the Town of Winchester;
5) To develop an action plan for implementing survey goals for the creation of a comprehensive inventory of the cultural and historic resources of the Town of Winchester.
6) To develop a phased historical properties inventory proposal package and cost estimates for use by the Town of Winchester Historical Commission in obtaining professional cultural resource surveys.
See Attachment A for the complete Scope of Work.
Five (5) copies of the proposal must be furnished to the Town Planner for review by the Selection Committee. The overall proposal must include:
A. Technical Requirements - to be submitted in Envelope A
1. The identity of the individual, partnership or corporation applying for contract award and credentials of the personnel who would actually perform the work, as well as their managers, and the nature of the supervision. State the responsibilities of each of the project personnel. If the consultant intends to sub-contract the photography or any other work required in the scope of services, the sub-contractor must be identified. Sample work products are required for all personnel. This item is a major determinant in assessing the proposer's qualifications and will be incorporated as a condition in the contract to be awarded.
2. An applicant qualifications statement, including professional qualifications and work experience attesting to capacity to perform the required work program. Include resume(s), detailing academic and professional work experience attesting to capacity to perform the required work program. Resumes are required for all project personnel. Proposers must meet the following minimum criteria:
a. Bachelor's Degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History or a closely related field and at least two years full-time experience in an area relevant to the project; or
b. Master's Degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History or a closely related field.
3. A detailed explanation of the proposer's approach to this project: methodology, demonstrated understanding of the scope of work and completion deadline, and the proposer's expectations of assistance and services from the Town. A technical work plan and project timeline for accomplishing the tasks described in the scope of services must be provided.
4. A client reference list, with names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses (if available) especially for clients for whom the proposer has performed similar services within the past five (5) years.
5. Any other information deemed relevant to the project, and which the proposer believes will further the competitiveness of the proposal.
6. Proposal Signature Form, Certificate of Non-Collusion, Statement of Tax Compliance and Certificate of Vote of Corporation, as applicable (see Attachments C, D, and E).
B. Price Proposal Requirements - to be submitted in Envelope B
1. Completed Attachment B - Fee Proposal Form.
Please note: Any proposal that fails to include all of the above information will be rejected as unresponsive, and will not be afforded a complete review by the Selection Committee.
1. Minimum Evaluation Criteria
The Selection Committee shall first review each technical proposal to ascertain whether or not the following minimum criteria have been met:
a. The technical proposal includes all of the items for a complete proposal.
b. The proposer meets the minimum qualifications as outlined above.
2. Comparative Evaluation Criteria
All responsive proposals will be judged against the Comparative Evaluation Criteria detailed below. The Town will rank each proposal as:
a. Highly Advantageous - the proposal fully meets and significantly exceeds the standards of the specific criterion;
b. Advantageous - the proposal fully satisfies the standards of the specific criterion;
c. Not Advantageous - the proposal does not fully meet the standards of the specific criterion, is incomplete, unclear, or both.
The Selection Committee shall rate and rank each technical proposal meeting the Minimum Evaluation Criteria according to the Comparative Evaluation Criteria listed below. The Fee Proposal Forms will then be opened and reviewed. The Selection Committee will then select the most overall advantageous proposal. Such ratings shall be included in a written recommendation for selection to the MHC.
2.1. Quality and Depth of Project Experience
Highly Advantageous - The project proposal demonstrates superior experience in providing services related to the Town's requirements. The project proposal demonstrates a wide depth of experience with similar projects (5 or more), and prior experience with municipally, privately, or MHC-funded not-to-exceed or fixed-fee contracts. Project work samples are of outstanding quality in content and technical presentation.
Advantageous - The project proposal demonstrates solid experience in providing services related to the Town's requirements. The project proposal demonstrates a good depth of experience with similar projects (3 to 5), and prior experience with municipally or privately funded not-to-exceed or fixed-fee contracts. Project work samples are of good quality in content and technical presentation.
Not Advantageous - The proposer has limited experience in providing services related to the Town's requirements or with similar projects (less than 3), and prior experience with public or private, not-to-exceed or fixed fee contracts. Project work samples minimally meet current standards for content and technical presentation.
2.2. Qualifications of the Proposer
Highly Advantageous - The proposer's resume(s) demonstrate that proposer has superior training, educational background and work experience appropriate to the project described herein and all key project personnel demonstrate professional experience well beyond the minimum requirements.
Advantageous - The proposer's resume(s) demonstrate that proposer has adequate training, educational background and work experience appropriate to the project described herein and all key project personnel demonstrate professional experience that meets or somewhat exceeds the minimum requirements.
Not Advantageous - The proposer's resume(s) do not demonstrate that proposer has adequate training, educational background and work experience appropriate to the project described herein.
2.3. Desirability of approach to the project, demonstrated understanding of the community's historic and cultural resource protection needs,
Highly Advantageous - The proposal demonstrates a superior approach to the subject material, an understanding of the historic and cultural resource issues addressed by the project, and a clear analysis of the time required for each phase of the project. The proposal demonstrates a strong understanding of the history and development of local architectural forms in Massachusetts communities.
Advantageous - The proposal demonstrates a good approach to the subject material, an understanding of the historic and cultural resource issues addressed by the project, and presents a time schedule that meets the project requirements. References were generally satisfied that consultant had met the agreed-upon project schedule, budget or goals.
Not Advantageous - The proposal does not demonstrate a desirable approach to the project and does not demonstrate a clear understanding of the community's historic and cultural resource protection needs.
2.4. Proposer's ability to undertake and complete this project in a timely manner.
Highly Advantageous - All references confirmed that consultant had met schedule expectations and delivered an "on-time" and "within budget" project.
Advantageous - References were generally satisfied that consultant had met the agreed-upon project schedule, budget or goals.
Not Advantageous - References indicated that consultant had been unable to meet the agreed-upon project schedule.
2.5. Overall Quality of Client References
Highly Advantageous - All references contacted spoke favorably of the work performed by the proposer and would use them again for a similar project without hesitation.
Advantageous - The great majority of references spoke favorably of the work performed by the proposer and would use them again for a similar project without hesitation.
Not Advantageous - One reference stated that there had been significant difficulties with the proposer's ability to deliver the contracted services and deliverables.
2.6. Completeness and Quality of Proposal
Highly Advantageous - Response is complete, concise, informative, and highly detailed. Proposal reflects that proposer is able to perform in a superior manner acceptable to the Town. Evaluation team is completely convinced about the proposer's ability to provide the level of services as required by the Town. Proposal demonstrates excellent communication and documentation skills.
Advantageous - Response is complete, informative, and meets criteria for responsiveness. Evaluation team finds proposal reflects that proposer is able to perform in an adequate manner acceptable to the Town. Proposal demonstrates a good level of communication and documentation skills.
Not Advantageous - Response lacks a comprehensive approach, but meets criteria for responsiveness. Evaluation team finds proposal reflects that proposer may be able to perform in a manner acceptable to the Town. Communication and documentation skills appear only adequate.
2.7. Quality of Project Work Samples
Highly Advantageous -- Project work samples are of outstanding quality in
content and technical presentation.
Advantageous -- Project work samples are of good quality in content and
technical presentation.
Not Advantageous -- Project work samples minimally meet current standards for
content and technical presentation.
After review of the technical proposals, the Selection Committee may, at its discretion, schedule interviews with any or all of the proposers for the purpose of further evaluation of the proposer's qualifications and ability to provide the required service. Interviewees will be ranked on their presentation.
The Town has established a budget not to exceed $10,000 for the Scope of Services described herein. Proposers must complete Attachment B - Fee Proposal Form. Project fees must be provided for each of the four phases of work as described in the form. Fees shown shall include all costs and expenses (including materials, copying, mileage, photography, etc.) necessary to complete the scope of services defined in Attachment A of this RFP.
IX. PROJECT SCHEDULE (see Attachment A for description of work components):
. PHASE I - Initiation of Work: Identification of historic resources and maps available for the project; review of existing inventory forms, National Register nominations and other information; identification of historic themes, events, resources and potential neighborhood survey units; initiation of research and field reconnaissance survey. - Friday, December 9, 2016
. PHASE II - Field Reconnaissance Survey: Establish survey methodology, plans and priorities; determine threats to areas and resources; complete field reconnaissance survey and identify recommended neighborhood units and properties for future inventory or inventory update. - Friday, April 14, 2017
. PHASE III -- Survey Master Plan and Project Completion: Prepare a phased and prioritized Survey Master Plan, inventory proposal packages and cost estimates by phase and a map(s) of neighborhood survey units and properties for survey. - Thursday, June 30, 2017
Please note: all contract work must be completed by June 30, 2016.
Proposals will be received at the Town of Winchester, MA Office of the Town Planner until Monday, September 26, 2016 at 10:00 am. After this time they will be opened in confidence in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30B, §6 (d). Proposals received after that date and time will be rejected.
The mailing address for all deliveries and walk-in service is:
Town of Winchester
Office of the Town Planner
71 Mount Vernon Street
Winchester, MA 01890
Five (5) copies of each proposal shall be submitted as follows:
The Technical Proposal shall be submitted on the form furnished and in a sealed envelope marked:
Proposal Envelope A - Technical Proposal
Winchester Community-wide
Historical Properties Survey Plan
Bidder's Name ___________________________________________________________
The Price Proposal shall be submitted on the form furnished and sealed in a separate envelope marked:
Proposal Envelope B - Price Proposal
Winchester Community-wide
Historic Properties Survey Plan
Bidder's Name ___________________________________________________________
NOTE: Price proposals must be kept entirely separate from technical proposals. Failure to follow this instruction will result in rejection of the proposal.
The purpose of this project will be to create a Historical Preservation Survey Plan for the Town of Winchester that targets priority properties for survey, identifies significant historic themes and establishes a phased approach to completing the identified goals. This project will be structured to provide professional cultural and architectural resource survey expertise to the Town of Winchester and the community. Specific project goals are as follows:
1. To provide a reconnaissance level description of the nature and distribution of historic and architectural resources in Winchester;
2. To identify and assess key documentary materials useful in researching the historical development of the historic and architectural resources in Winchester;
3. To provide a preliminary identification and assessment of the nature and location of historic, cultural and architectural resources, including previously undocumented or under-documented resources, including definition of neighborhood units and the resources they contain;
4. To identify selection criteria and priorities for a phased comprehensive survey of these resources by neighborhood unit;
5. To develop an action plan for implementing priority survey goals for the creation of a comprehensive inventory by neighborhood unit of the cultural and historic resources. The action plan will be phased based on priority; and
6. To develop a phased historical properties inventory proposal package and cost estimates for use by the Town of Winchester Historical Commission in obtaining professional cultural resource surveys.
The Analytical Framework:
The community-wide survey project must incorporate MHC criteria and methodology, to current standards. (See MHC's Historic Properties Survey Manual: Guidelines for the Identification of Historic and Archaeological Resources in Massachusetts (1992), Survey Technical Bulletin #1 (1993), MHC Interim Survey Guidelines (March 1999, et seq.), MHC Interim Guidelines for Inventory Form Photographs (2009), and MHC's Interim Guidelines for Inventory Form Locational Information (2016). Both MHC survey guidelines and the tasks and products of the survey Scope of Work must meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Identification (1983).
The community-wide survey plan will serve as the guide for the subsequent undertaking of a prioritized and phased comprehensive community-side survey update. The MHC criteria for conducting a community-wide survey are designed to identify the full range of cultural resources.
Cultural resources are the physical elements in the landscape that remain from historical patterns of human activity. There are many components of a neighborhood's historical development that are associated with the location and type of surviving cultural resources. The community-wide survey will therefore relate cultural resources to historic patterns of architectural development, land use, economic development, social and demographic history, and events that had an impact on the Town of Winchester. The community-wide survey should recognize ethnic and cultural diversity within the Town of Winchester, and seek to identify cultural resources associated with the history of the minority social and cultural groups and individuals that may have played a role in the community's history. The survey plan will assist the Town of Winchester in the development and undertaking of a phased comprehensive survey update by providing an approach based on the application of MHC criteria and methodology and the community's needs and historic resources.
Phase Meetings:
The project consists of three phases. Project personnel, both the consultant and the project coordinator, will meet with MHC staff at MHC offices in Boston prior to work initiation and to review project progress and products at the end of each phase. Work to be carried out during each phase and products due at the end of each phase, are described below.
The Survey Plan:
The community-wide survey plan will assess existing resource documentation and will identify previously undocumented resources to be inventoried in a comprehensive survey. The plan and the resulting comprehensive survey will consider the full range of cultural resources in terms of period, theme, property type, architectural form and style, and geographic distribution. The survey plan will address all periods of architectural and historic development from the period of first colonial European presence to circa 1965. Significant themes of historical and architectural development will be identified, and resources will be related to these themes.
The plan and the comprehensive survey will identify areas, buildings, objects, sites, burial grounds, structures, and parks/landscapes that are architecturally and historically significant in the history and development of the community. The plan and survey will include both representative and outstanding examples of the building forms, types, and styles present in the community.
The MHC Reconnaissance Survey Town Report for Winchester (1981) and any existing MHC survey forms and National Register nominations on file with the MHC will provide a preliminary framework and base of information for this analysis.
Phase I - Initiation of Work (8weeks)
. Tasks: Meet with local project coordinator/Winchester Historical Commission (LPC/WHC) and MHC staff to discuss the scope and to discuss suitable base maps and key documentary materials (maps, local archival materials, records and collections, published histories, State Library holdings, internet resources, etc.) to be used;
. Review model survey plans completed for other communities recommended by MHC;
. Identify and obtain copies of available local planning and parcel maps at various scales, including a working field map, a base map to define survey neighborhoods, and a large- scale base map to identify areas and properties recommended for survey. Use Town of Winchester GIS database maps where appropriate;
. Review any existing completed inventory forms, National Register nominations, and other documentation on file with the LHC and at the MHC for completeness and adherence to current survey standards;
. Conduct documentary research in local and regional libraries and records repositories to locate and identify key documentary materials to be used in the survey plan and for later comprehensive survey, and to identify important historic themes, events, persons and resources for the community; review of important historic themes, events, and persons with the Town Historian and other well-known local historical experts;
. Meeting with the LHC and with appropriate local historical and planning officials to define preliminary neighborhood units for the survey plan;
. Initiate research and field reconnaissance survey to verify and describe the types and geographical distribution of historic resources in the community and to confirm survey neighborhood boundaries.
. Meet with MHC and LHC to review Phase I products.
. Phase I Report, including:
1. Base maps indicating neighborhood survey units, and large-scale base-map to be used to identify areas and individual resources recommended to be surveyed;
2. Assessment of existing inventory and National Register documentation, with preliminary recommendations for updating where necessary;
3. Discussion of significant historic themes and periods in Winchester history;
4. List of Winchester neighborhood survey units and description of their historic and architectural resources;
5. Annotated bibliography of key documentary sources, with notes on locations as necessary.
Phase I will be completed by Friday, December 9, 2016.
Phase II - Field Reconnaissance Survey (18 weeks)
. Meeting with LHC and MHC staff to discuss survey priorities, selection criteria, any special procedures recommended for the intensive survey, and general survey coverage goals for the survey plan and for subsequent comprehensive survey efforts;
. Meeting with LHC and local planning officials to identify known and potential threats to areas and resources;
. Continue and complete field reconnaissance of neighborhood study units, apply selection criteria, and identify properties and areas to be recommended for survey.
. Meet with MHC and LHC to review Phase II products.
. Phase II Report, including:
l. Description and assessment of threats to historic resources in Winchester communitywide and neighborhood by neighborhood;
2. Description of survey priorities, selection criteria, any special methods and procedures recommended for the intensive survey, and survey coverage goals for Winchester, including communitywide and neighborhood by neighborhood goals and objectives and approaches to achieving them;
3. Preliminary list of properties and areas recommended for survey in Winchester (organized by neighborhood study unit, street name, and where appropriate, street number or range); recommendations should indicate where area forms would be appropriate.
Phase II will be completed by Friday, April 14, 2017.
Phase III - Survey Plan and Project Completion (11 weeks)
. Meeting with LHC and MHC staff to discuss establishing a phased and prioritized survey action plan, priorities for neighborhoods and resource types, and estimated schedule for implementation, considering estimated local resource availability;
. Prepare a phased and prioritized survey action plan, including priorities for neighborhoods and resource types, approximate numbers of properties recommended for survey in each neighborhood, and estimated schedule for implementation;
. Prepare a phased and prioritized historical properties inventory proposal package and cost estimates by phase;
. Finalize report sections prepared during phases I and II;
. Prepare a map of final neighborhood survey units and properties for survey using Town of Winchester GIS system, if possible.
. Prepare and circulate draft of final report for review and comment.
. Meet with MHC and LHC to discuss and finalize draft of final report.
. Survey Plan (four paginated, unbound hardcopies: two for MHC, two for Town of Winchester Historical Commission, and a digital copy of the report in a format to be approved in advance for MHC and the Town of Winchester Historical Commission) which will include the following sections:
1. Abstract;
2. Assessment of existing inventory and National Register documentation, with recommendations for updating where necessary;
3. Discussion of significant themes and periods in Winchester's history;
4. Description of Winchester's neighborhood survey units and their historic and architectural landscapes;
5. Description and assessment of threats to historic resources in Winchester, communitywide and neighborhood-by-neighborhood;
6. Discussion of survey priorities, selection criteria, any special methods and procedures recommended for the intensive survey, and survey coverage goals for Winchester, including communitywide and neighborhood by neighborhood goals and objectives and approaches to achieving them;
7. Preliminary list of properties and areas recommended for survey in Winchester (organized by survey neighborhood, street name and where appropriate, street number or range); recommendations should indicate where area forms would be appropriate. List should be organized by neighborhood survey unit, with proposed area forms listed separately at the beginning of each neighborhood, arranged alphabetically by area name. Proposed individual properties should follow, arranged alphabetically by street name, and where possible number or number range and property names should be included;
8. Annotated bibliography of key resources for Winchester history and historic and architectural resources, with notes on location of the resource as necessary;
9. Final base map(s) based on the Winchester GIS database, indicating neighborhood target units and recommended areas and properties for survey;
10. Identification of community repository and/or municipal office(s) where completed intensive survey documentation (inventory forms, base maps, and final report) are recommended to be archived and made available to the public.
Phase III will be completed no later than Thursday, June 30, 2017.
The project must be completed and submitted to the MHC and LHC by Thursday, June 30, 2017.
Winchester, MA 01890
Winchester Community-wide Survey Plan
(To be submitted in Envelope B)
The undersigned hereby submits a price proposal to perform the services outlined in the Request for Proposals for the Town of Winchester Community-wide Survey Plan
Proposer: ____________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
The PROPOSER hereby pledges to deliver the complete scope of services required, for the rates and charges shown below:
Estimated cost to complete the project:
Phase I: ___________________________________
Phase II: ___________________________________
TOTAL COST: ___________________________________
(not to exceed $10,000)
Note: Five (5) copies of proposal are to be submitted.
Winchester, MA 01890
Winchester Community-wide Survey Plan
(This form to be submitted in Envelope A - Technical Proposal)
The undersigned, hereafter called the proposer, having fully familiarized him/herself with all the request for proposal documents, hereby agrees and declares:
1. That prices inserted in the Price Proposal (Envelope B) cover all necessary expenses to fulfill the conditions of the contract within the time stated.
2. Pursuant to M. G. L. c. 62C, § 49A, the proposer hereby certifies that the proposer has filed all state tax returns and paid all state taxes required under law.
3. The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals.
The following items are to be completed by the Proposer, if applicable:
Our Company is:
A Corporation
A Partnership
Individually Owned
Individual/Company Name: _________________________________________________
Social Security or Federal Identification Number: _______________________________
Signature of Individual or Authorized Official: __________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________________________________________
The undersigned certifies under the penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals.
Signature of Individual Signing Bid Proposal: ___________________________
Name of Business: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 62C, Section 49A, I certify under penalties of perjury that I, to my best knowledge and belief, have complied with all laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to taxes.
Social Security or Federal Identification Number: _______________________
Signature of individual signing bid or proposal: _______________________
Date: ________________________
(if applicable)
(This form to be submitted in Envelope A - Technical Proposal)
Date: _______________
I, _______________________, Clerk-Secretary of the corporation named in the foregoing Proposal,
certify that ________________________________________ who signed the said Proposal on behalf of
said corporation, was then the _________________________ of said corporation; that I know his
signature; (Title)
and that his signature thereto is genuine and that said Proposal was duly executed for and on
___________________________, 2016.
Date of Incorporation: ___________________
(Corporate Seal)
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