[MassHistPres] Demolition Delay Bylaw

Elizabeth Ware eware at dracutma.gov
Tue Feb 16 12:19:53 EST 2016


I have been asked by the local Historical Commission to start exploring a simple demolition delay bylaw for the town of Dracut, Ma.
The Dracut Historical Commission has recently completed a preservation master plan, is gearing up to complete a significant number of survey forms and is looking closer at further protections for its historic resources.
At present there is little to prevent a property owner from demolishing an historic structure.

The Commission is looking for a simple process, working with the building inspector (We have an excellent building inspector here.) and whatever staff the Commission may have.
Any proposed general bylaw would need to be simple and workable for both staff and property owner.  We are particularly interested in language that prevents demolition by neglect.

Thank you for any input or suggestions you may have.

Betsy Ware

Director of Community Development
Town of Dracut, MA.

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