[MassHistPres] MHC's 38th Annual Preservation Awards

McGuire, Molly (SEC) molly.mcguire at state.ma.us
Fri Jan 8 14:54:42 EST 2016

Secretary of the Commonwealth William Francis Galvin and the Massachusetts Historical Commission are pleased to announce the 2016 Preservation Awards Competition. Awards are presented annually to preservation projects and individuals that have displayed an outstanding commitment to historic preservation in Massachusetts. Projects completed in the years 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 are eligible for consideration. The MHC encourages local historical commissions and societies, preservation professionals, and individuals to nominate outstanding preservation projects for this honor. Nominations must be received at the MHC's office in the State Archives Building by 5:00pm on Friday, February 12, 2016. Emailed nominations cannot be accepted.

The MHC accepts nominations in the following categories:
*         Adaptive Reuse
*         Archaeology
*         Education and Outreach
*         Individual Lifetime Achievement (20 or more years of exemplary service to historic preservation in Massachusetts)
*         Landscape Preservation
*         Local Preservationist
*         Rehabilitation and Restoration
*         Stewardship

Nomination forms and guidelines for the 38th Annual Preservation Awards are available on the Massachusetts Historical Commission's website, www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc<http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc> or by calling the MHC at 617-727-8470.

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