[MassHistPres] CPA Historic Preservation Funds

Ralph Slate slater at alum.rpi.edu
Sat Sep 10 17:43:12 EDT 2016

Have any communities set up a Historic Preservation Fund with CPA 
monies, one where private homeowners can apply to do work to their 

I know that nothing in the CPA prohibits private use of the funds, but 
the Anti-aid Amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution requires that 
any funds spent must advance a public purpose - which can be achieved 
via a deed restriction. I'm not sure if a deed restriction is required 
when a property is already in a local historic district, since it would 
be redundant.

When I was in Victoria, BC, I learned that they have a voluntary 
historic preservation program. Owners with properties more than 100 
years old can apply to be designated a Heritage House, and the city has 
a fund which matches homeowner spending on renovations (including painting).

Here is a link to a PDF file which shows the results of the program from 


Grants were typically in the $5k range, there were 39 grants awarded for 
a total of $131,277. The projects overall involved $375,077 in private 
funds, so the match amount was about 35% of the project cost.

Victoria was absolutely amazing in how well it was preserved.

Ralph Slate
Springfield, MA

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