[MassHistPres] Local Historic Districts

Brandon Wilson BWILSON at somervillema.gov
Tue Feb 14 18:30:12 EST 2017

Somerville as you may know is the Commonwealth's pioneer in creating what we call "single building local historic districts," going back to 1985.  Around that time we designated one of our surplus elementary school buildings as a LHD and ultimately got it listed in the National Register.  The purpose was to enable the developer to convert the turn of the century building to residential apts. with the help of the 20% Historic Rehab Tax Credit.  Of course, at that point it was no longer to be owned by the City or used as a school, but it made the pro forma work for the developer and it sure made a difference in the quality of their rehab work!  So,  if municipal officials are thinking ahead and seeing the possibility that a municipal building (school or otherwise) may become surplus, or more viable for private uses in the future, it might be worth considering designation to help speed up and enhance its conversion later.

cheers, Brandon

J. Brandon Wilson
Executive Director

Somerville Historic Preservation Commission
City Hall
93 Highland Avenue
Somerville, MA 02143

(617)625-6600, x. 2532
bwilson at somervillema.gov<mailto:bwilson at somervillema.gov>

From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Szekely, Brian
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2017 10:13 AM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] Local Historic Districts

Winchester is starting the process of proposing a few 1-parcel Local Historic Districts. As of now, we are thinking of just focusing on town-owned buildings. Last night at the Board of Selectmen's meeting, some of the members were curious to see if other towns had any of their School buildings as part of an LHD. Some were thinking that an LHD may limit the flexibility of the School Committee to do what they want with school buildings.

Have you had any experience with this and have you received any funds that aided in the rehab of any school buildings in town? Hope you're staying warm!


Brian Szekely
Winchester Town Planner
71 Mt. Vernon Street
Winchester, MA 01890
(781) 721-7162
bszekely at winchester.us<mailto:bszekely at winchester.us>

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