[MassHistPres] Public Education/Outreach Examples

Roughan, Michael Michael.Roughan at hdrinc.com
Thu Jan 12 13:49:49 EST 2017


Hopkinton has developed an alternative to the formal face to face meeting with the Select Board where a paid employee is the liaison to them as well as the town manager. In our case we have Elaine Lazarus, Town Planner, who assists me in developing the Historical Committee agenda for each month's meeting and she keeps other town agencies abreast of our activities.

Regarding public outreach, the HHC has just initiated a Facebook page that we are beginning to populate.


Please visit the site to help boost its exposure.


Michael Roughan, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP

D +1.617.357.7725 M +1.617.784.6463

From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Skelly, Christopher (SEC)
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 1:17 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Public Education/Outreach Examples

Does your local commission make a point to meet with the Select Board/City Council on an annual basis to present what you accomplished in the previous year and discuss goals for the coming year?

While I know some local commissions do this, I don't have specific names of commissions.   Some specific communities would be great to include in this public education/outreach workshop.  Chris.

Christopher C. Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us<mailto:Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us>
From: Skelly, Christopher @ SEC
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2017 10:22 AM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: Public Education/Outreach Examples
Good Morning,

For a workshop next Wednesday at the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, I will be discussing public education and outreach efforts for historic preservation and including some local examples from around the state. I already have a few examples lined up but could use a few more in my presentation.

If your commission has a successful public education or outreach effort, please let me know.

If you are interested in the workshop next week, here is the announcement.

Christopher C. Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us<mailto:Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us>
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