No subject
Fri Jul 21 12:37:03 EDT 2017
Michael,(re demotion)In Arlington, we have defined demolition to include a c=
hange of more than 25% to any one fa=C3=A7ade of a listed building=2E For e=
xact text of the by law see Arlington Town By Laws which can be accessed on =
the Town's website=2E This was a change I invented and got thru Town Meetin=
g some years ago, and has been adopted in some other communities=2E(re old s=
chool)Sally,Could the Town be persuaded to put in the RFP that it was a cond=
ition of the sale that the building be preserved? Or, Town Meeting could ado=
pt an article so requring, or transferring it to the historical society or w=
homever at a nominal price=2EJohn WordenArlington HDC
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