[MassHistPres] Somerville CPA seeks historic preservation on-call consultant

Kristen Stelljes kstelljes at somervillema.gov
Tue May 16 11:01:32 EDT 2017

The City of Somerville Community Preservation Committee is seeking a historic preservation on-call consultant to assist with the preparation of preservation restrictions on CPA funded projects. See scope of work below for more details and share with those you think may be interested.
Warm regards,

Kristen Stelljes
Somerville Community Preservation Act Manager
kstelljes at somervillema.gov<mailto:kstelljes at somervillema.gov>
617-625-6600 ext. 2107
CPA website: http://www.somervillema.gov/cpa
CPA Historic Preservation On-Call Consultant
The historic preservation consultant shall complete the following basic tasks within the prescribed timeline for completion. For each assignment, the City's project manager will email the consultant describing the requested work. No later than two (2) business days after the date of such email, the consultant shall confirm by email his or her availability to perform the work within the specified timeframe and state any questions the consultant may have about the assignment. The consultant shall also provide an estimate of the time required to complete the task to determine the price for the work, based on the hourly rate or fixed rate per preservation restriction established in the purchase agreement.

The consultant shall assist the City of Somerville Community Preservation Act (CPA) Manager in the preparation of perpetual preservation restrictions for historic properties that receive CPA funding. Preservation restrictions will follow the Massachusetts Historic Commission model preservation restriction template. The deadline for submission of the draft preservation restriction for legal review by the City of Somerville shall typically be no less than four calendar weeks from a notice to proceed.

In cases where the preservation restriction is for a City-owned property, the consultant will assist the CPA Manager in identifying and negotiating with a third-party entity to hold the preservation restriction.

In exceptional cases, the CPA Manager may request the consultant's advice on CPA applications or projects, including compliance with US Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation.

Applications will be judged based on the following qualifications:

1.       Experience preparing preservation restrictions in Massachusetts

2.       Experience working with local governments and other public agencies

3.       Experience working with US Secretary of the Interior Standards

4.       References respond that preservation restrictions have consistently been completed in a satisfactory manner and within the requested timeframe
Interested applicants should email their CV, hourly and/or fixed rate per preservation restriction, references, and a statement explaining how the applicant meets the above criteria to the City of Somerville Community Preservation Act Manager at kstelljes at somervillema.gov<mailto:kstelljes at somervillema.gov>.
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