[MassHistPres] Town of Acton - request for quotes - Forest Cemetery Nation Register Nomination
Matthew "Selby"
mselby at acton-ma.gov
Wed Sep 6 17:00:01 EDT 2017
The purpose of the project is to complete a National Register Nomination Form with requisite technical support documentation that identifies the appropriate criteria and develops the areas of significance under which the cemetery is important and records the status and physical conditions that currently exist.
The purposes of the assessment and listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NR) is to provide planning tools to reinforce local awareness of it as a historical and architectural asset and to encourage appropriate treatment and maintenance of historical and architectural resources within the cemetery. Information developed in the National Register form is useful for the development of educational programs on local history for public schools and public awareness programs on the value of local historic assets and the mechanisms available for their preservation.
Benefits of listing in the National Register of Historic Places include: recognition as national resources worthy of attention and preservation; protection from adverse effect resulting from projects receiving public assistance, potential eligibility for funding from various state and federal programs (e.g. the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund (MPPF); the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservations Services Fund (PSF); The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Historic Landscape Preservation Program and /or private foundation grants; and integration of National Register information with community planning activities (including site plan review, community master plans and public or private grant programs) to further preservation and community development objectives.
The project will complete a registration form for the cemetery utilizing current, standard, MHC methodology and National Register criteria. Project guidelines, tasks and products will be as set forth in National Park Service (NPS) Bulletin 15, How to Apply the NR Criteria for Evaluation, NPS Bulletin, 16A, How to Complete the National Register Registration Form and NPS Bulletin 41, Guidelines for Evaluating and registering Cemeteries and Burial Places. An on-going relationship will be maintained with the Acton Historical Commission.
The MHC Reconnaissance Survey Report for Acton, existing inventory for the Town of Acton, local histories and other sources, will provide a framework for the analysis of the cultural resources of the cemetery. Research conducted during the National Register process will expand upon this documentation to provide an historical and architectural overview that relates the resource within the cemetery to significant themes (including land use patterns, economic, social and demographic history, as well as significant events and persons) in the development of the Town of Acton. The National Register program recognizes ethnic and cultural diversity within communities and seeks to identify cultural resources associated with the history of minority, social and cultural groups and individuals who have played a role in the history of those communities.
The variety of styles, building_ types and grave markers, both outstanding and representative examples will be discussed in Part 7, Narrative Description, of the National Registration Form which will identify objects, sites, structures and landscape features that retain integrity of design and materials and that are historically or architecturally significant. Part 8, Statement of Significance of the National Registration Form will demonstrate how this cemetery meets National Register criteria.
Phase 1
* Prepare streetscape photographs
* Prepares draft sketch map
* Prepare verbal boundary descriptions and justification
* Prepare draft bibliography
* Review MHC files with National Register staff for any previously submitted information or staff field notes on properties to be nominated.
* Confirm proposed boundaries
* Review sample nominations previously reviewed by MHC staff to assess documentation requirements.
* Begin intensive research on the historical and architectural significance of the cemetery in preparation for completion of the National Register Form.
* Prepare draft District Data Sheets (DDS) in accordance with MHC methodology as follows:
* List structures and objects of substantial size and scale, including grave markers. (Only comprehensively inventoried individual grave markers are counted as individual contributing features.)
* Record notable designed or landscape features
* Record all intrusions
* Include a key to all abbreviations and a summary of contributing/non-contributing resources at the bottom of the page
* Work with town officials and the Acton Historical Commission to inform the public about the National Register program and present the project nomination.
Streetscape photographs Sketch map
Draft Bibliography
Draft District Data Sheets
Continue intensive research on the historical and architectural significance in preparation for the completion of the National Register registration forms.
Prepare Part 7 (Narrative description) and Part 8, (Statement of Significance) of the form in accordance with National Park service Bulletin 16A, How to Complete the National Register Registration Form and National Park Service Bulletin 41, Guidelines for Evaluating and Registering Cemeteries and Burial Places.
In Part 7 specify and discuss the topography and setting of the cemetery. Notable landscape features and their relationship to the built environment, including natural and designated vegetation and plantings, walls, fences and other landscape dividers, circulation systems, etc. In a general manner, the types, styles and periods of construction, size, scale, materials and physical relationships in a detailed manner, all key structures. Non-contributing historic structures and modem intrusions. Any important structure now lost from the cemetery.
Part 8 of the National Register Nomination Form must discuss how the cemetery meets National Register criteria beginning with a summary paragraph stating what criteria are met and why; how the cemetery represents significant themes, property types and/or periods of development and how the cemetery is important in the periods and areas of significance noted.
Part 8 must establish a context of evaluation and registration relating to the cemetery to broad patterns of historical development by including a brief summary of the development of the community, including a synopsis of settlement but more extensive documentation of development during the period of significance. Covering relevant topics such as, topographic features, transportation, networks, population changes, patterns of immigration, industrial development, religious schisms, ethnic heritage, art and architecture. If associations exist with significant persons, provide an explanation to justify Criterion B.
Part 8 of the National Register Nomination Form must assess the cemetery's architectural significance from a local, regional and/or national level, providing a context of architects and or stone carvers career and accomplishments and evaluating properties against others of the same type, style and period within the town. In addition, Part 8 must note and justify any exceptions to NR criteria.
Draft National Register nomination
Phase III
Prepare support documentation for the National Register application in accordance with Bulletin 16A. Cover form, bibliography, district data sheets, USGS maps with UTM coordinates, assessors maps and or cemetery sketch maps (2 sets) verbal boundary description and justification photographs (approximately 10) for a power point presentation and one set of 8 by 10 color images of the cemetery. Prepare the nomination incorporating MHC staff comments. Prepare presentation outlines for MHC/State Review Board meeting according to MHC guidelines.
* Completed National Register registration form for the cemetery in digital format on a computer diskette as well as hard copies
* Text of a Power Point Presentation for the cemetery's nomination to the SRB meeting.
* Supporting technical documentation for the NR Nomination form
* Photographs
There are two options for documenting the property:
1. True black and white photographs, 4" by 6" size is preferred. The photos must be printed on true black and white paper with true black and white inks. C41 or other color processing_ is not acceptable. Two sets of photos must be submitted. All photos must be labeled appropriately according to the National Register guidelines, with name and address of property, identification, number and direction of view, date, name of the photographer and location of the negative, indicated in pencil (grease pencil, non-bleeding marking pen or photo marker may be used).
2. Digital photos, digital images must be submitted with the following elements: the original, uncompressed data file captured by the digital camera, prints of the images (2 copies of each image) using specified printer/ink/ paper requirements; and a photo submission form and photo log. Digital images must be taken with a 3 megapixel or greater camera.
Other photographic documentation:
For presentation to the State Review Board (SRB), MHC requires images showing the cemetery in detail from all elevations, and the broader context of its setting. Images must be in a PowerPoint presentation on disk.
Text, in both paper and electronic format, must accompany the PowerPoint submission.
Two sets of USGS maps (with UTMs calculated). USGS maps must have property boundaries outlined in pencil. Label USGS map in pencil in margin area closest to property or cemetery. Include property name, address, town, county, Mass., USGS quad name, scale and UTM coordinates.
Assessor's maps: boundaries must be clearly indicated in pencil. Indicate north arrow and label map in pencil with indication of property and address, town, MA, date and source of map and scale. Sketch maps and historic maps may also be included in the nomination.
Bibliography - styled according to the Chicago Manual of Style or Strunk and White.
Data Sheet - the data sheet must include key features in the cemetery, including any buildings within the cemetery, boundaries, significant monuments and markers (all monuments and markers specifically discussed in the text), defined family plots, historic walls, and fences, and designed landscape areas.
If interested, please respond to mselby at acton-ma.gov<mailto:mselby at acton-ma.gov> with a description of the proposed approach, quote for the cost to complete the work, and reference.
M. J. "Selby" Selby
Director of Land Use and Economic Development
Town of Acton
472 Main Street
Acton, MA 01720
mselby at acton-ma.gov
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