[MassHistPres] Architectural Preservation District Workshop-Sep 21, 2018

Skelly, Christopher (SEC) christopher.skelly at state.ma.us
Wed Aug 1 11:18:23 EDT 2018

Join us for a Workshop on Architectural Preservation Districts, focusing on the recently established architectural preservation district in Ipswich.  Registration information is below.  The workshop is free.

An architectural preservation district, also known as a neighborhood conservation district, offers an alternative to local historic districts using a combination of binding and advisory level reviews.

The town of Ipswich, through town meeting vote, established an architectural preservation district in 2015. This workshop will include a discussion of the process of establishing the district in Ipswich, how things have worked in Ipswich over the past several years, other communities that have similar bylaws and ordinances and how this model could benefit additional communities around the state. A guided walking tour of the architectural preservation district will follow the workshop.  For more information on the architectural preservation district in Ipswich, visit https://www.ipswichma.gov/717/Architectural-Preservation-District-Comm<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ipswichma.gov_717_Architectural-2DPreservation-2DDistrict-2DComm&d=DwMF-g&c=lDF7oMaPKXpkYvev9V-fVahWL0QWnGCCAfCDz1Bns_w&r=HJeg5vlVssIJteBAzBVv1cKzUTA9hLUHuoJyFO6P0cU&m=ZCUtU8gITvqlmbOztCrcVUPWhjKnT0ZvQXTvdHUHJh0&s=v6urTDoH0yb7FPar1rngWxqnVyEkEFZysfPF7H9IN8E&e=>

To register for this event, visit

Christopher C. Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us<mailto:Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us>

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