[MassHistPres] Town of Brookline RFP

Meghan Hanrahan Richard mhrichard at brooklinema.gov
Tue Aug 21 16:24:20 EDT 2018



Sealed bids/proposals for furnishing the following to the Town of Brookline, MA will be received at the

Town of Brookline, Town Hall, Purchasing Division 333 Washington St., 2nd Floor, Room 212, Brookline, MA 02445, until the time specified for the bid/proposal opening at which time bids will be opened publicly and proposals in confidence, in accordance with provisions of M.G.L. c. 30B.

Item or Service


Reference Number

Bid/Proposal Opening Date and Time

Greater Aspinwall Hill Survey Update Phase II

Preservation, Planning


Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.

Proposers must meet the following minimum qualifications: a Bachelor's degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History, or a closely related field, plus at least two years full time experience in an area relevant to the project; or a Master's degree in any of the above mentioned areas.

Specifications and bid/proposal forms may be obtained at the Purchasing Division or by calling (617) 730-2195.

Bid/proposal forms may be downloaded at:  http://www.brooklinema.gov/Bids.aspx
Bid/proposal shall be submitted on the form furnished and in sealed envelope, and marked on the outside with the item title, reference number and bidder's name.  Contract awarded pursuant to the Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposals will be subject to provisions of the Town of Brookline By-Laws Article 4.4 Fair Employment Practices with regard to Contracts, relating to non-discrimination in employment, and Article 4.8 Living Wage By-Law, relating to wages paid to employees.  The Town reserves the right to accept any bid/proposal in whole or in any part, and to reject any or all bids/proposals if it shall be deemed in the best interest of the Town to do so.
David C. Geanakakis, Chief Procurement Officer

Meghan Hanrahan Richard
Preservation Planner
Town of Brookline
333 Washington St.
Brookline, MA 02445
mhrichard at brooklinema.gov<mailto:mhrichard at brooklinema.gov>

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