[MassHistPres] Worcester Preservation Awards

Arena, Susan ArenaS at worcesterma.gov
Wed Aug 22 11:00:52 EDT 2018

The Worcester Historical Commission and Preservation Worcester are partnering to present the first annual Worcester Preservation Awards. We are very proud of our city and excited for the opportunity to honor the dedicated individuals and groups that help make it beautiful.
Please circulate this information and/or send us your nominations. Self-nominations are encouraged.

The nomination categories are:
Residential Rehabilitation - Recognizes excellence in the sensitive preservation or rehabilitation of a privately owned, single-family residence that is owner occupied.
Commercial Rehabilitation - Recognizes excellence in the preservation or rehabilitation of a commercial building while retaining its historic integrity and character. This category includes adaptive reuse.
Stewardship - Recognizes an individual or organization that has demonstrated consistent and considerate maintenance of a property, and has shown commitment to its preservation.
Compatible Construction - Recognizes new construction that is visually compatible in mass, scale, and style with historic buildings in the immediate vicinity, and contributes to the preservation of a neighborhood.
Merit Award - Recognizes preservation work involving other types of structures, such as bridges, monuments, fences, etc., as well as scholarly and educational contributions to the field of historic preservation.

Please keep in mind that the nomination MUST meet the following criteria:

*         Projects must have been completed within the last three years for Residential Rehabilitation, Commercial Rehabilitation, Compatible Construction, and Merit Award.

*         Properties must be located within the City of Worcester.

*         Additional materials may be requested in support of your nomination.  All projects will be evaluated based on the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.  Nominations will be evaluated by a jury comprised of representatives from the Board of Directors of Preservation Worcester, the Worcester Historical Commission, and AIA Central Massachusetts.

Nomination forms and guidance can be found at: http://www.worcesterma.gov/planning-regulatory/boards/historical-commission
Or: http://www.preservationworcester.org/current-projects/

Susan Arena
Preservation Planner
City of Worcester
Planning & Regulatory Services Division
455 Main Street, Room 404
508-799-1400 ext 31410
arenas at worcesterma.gov<mailto:arenas at worcesterma.gov>

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