[MassHistPres] New Member, and a question

Jonathan Brush jonbrush at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 17:19:28 EDT 2018

Hello Everyone,

I am a new member, recommended by Lorie Komlyn, and a volunteer member of
the House Committee at the Loring Greenough House in JP.  As an
introduction, I am a retired psychologist and fan of old houses, who lives
in one in Central JP.

Question: At the Loring Greenough, we need to insulate several areas of the
house. One is area the ceiling of the main house, which is accessible
through a crawl space. The other area is in the kitchen wall. As an
historic house, we are looking for a contractor who is familiar with
historic houses and their preservation, while upgrading as needed. Please
make recommendations.

Thanks in advance,
Jonathan Brush
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