[MassHistPres] SAH/NE student symposium

Dennis De Witt djd184 at verizon.net
Wed Mar 28 10:17:13 EDT 2018

Take a spring break

The Society of Architectural Historians / New England — annual student symposium 

Saturday, April 7
MIT, 77 Mass. Ave., Cambridge
Room 7-429 (long Lounge)

A day of graduate student presentations that will definitely take you away from New England's non-spring, LHDs, and Demo Delays!

> 10:00 - 10:30 - Gathering and opening remarks
> 10:30 - 12:30 - Panel I -- Landscape, Territory, Experience
> Igor Ekštajn (GSD) - Building with Light, Constructing Nature and Empire on the Adriatic Sea
> Deepa Ramaswamy (MIT) - Cops and Flowers: Volunteerism and the Privatization of Park Management 
> Whitney Kite (Tufts) -  The Holy Land of Hoṙomos: Landscape, Liturgy, and Architecture
> Rodanthi Vardouli (GSD) - “Natural Surrealism”: Haunted Evocations of Dorset in 1935
> 12:30 - 1:30 - Lunch
> 1:30 - 3:30 - Panel II - Modernism, Politics, Crisis
> Gideon Unkeless (GSD) - Ruins in Waiting: Childhood Landscapes in Roberto Rossellini's Germany Year Zero and Víctor Erice's The Spirit of the Beehive
> Jacobé Huet (GSD) - Political Plasticity of the Modernist White Cube
> Dariel Cobb (MIT) - Building Modernity in the home of Voudon: Henri Chomette, Hubert Maga, and the seat of government in postcolonial Benin.”
>  Theodossis Issaias (Yale) -  The League of Nations Refugee Settlement Commission in Greece (1923–1930) 
> 3:30 - 4:00 - Coffee Break
> 4:00 - 5:30 - Keynote Conversation - The Politics and Agency of Historical Research in Contemporary Times
> Prof. Ed Eigen (GSD)
> Prof. Arindam Dutta (MIT)
> Jessica Varner (MIT PhD Student)

Dennis De Witt

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