[MassHistPres] historic marker or plaque program?
Dennis De Witt
djd184 at verizon.net
Wed May 23 16:13:45 EDT 2018
Here is a conference on a perennial topic
Dennis De Witt
What: Historic Marker Roundtable
Where: Providence Preservation Society, 24 Meeting Street, Providence <https://maps.google.com/?q=24+Meeting+Street,+Providence&entry=gmail&source=g>
When: Friday, July 13, 10 am - 2 pm
Fee: $40 per person
Have a historic marker or plaque program? This event is for you!
We invite you to attend a roundtable of regional colleagues to discuss best practices, guidelines, challenges, and other issues that arise in the identification of historic and historical buildings in our cities and towns. This event is intended for organizations (nonprofit and governmental) that administer historic marker or plaque programs. Note: we expect to follow up with a separate event for those groups that would like to start a program.
The roundtable will take place at the Providence Preservation Society, 24 Meeting Street, Providence, RI <https://maps.google.com/?q=24+Meeting+Street,+Providence,+RI&entry=gmail&source=g>, on Friday, July 13th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost of registration is $40.00 per person and includes lunch. Staff, trustees, and committee members are welcome; space is limited.
Register Here <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tIu0rjYKoNmPbjHssYLxgc5WmJWT9WfGUOgDEZwSu5Whr-b3PEwMYLHoMJXUKD9ZaIxAwfeo6fe7T0Lio6X7aXwrjwzh6wPz1NqvfN7BzsWrUWbXEOLRkBMLEuYudLCVBsuf-MPhwWNPtKQcwxABNP0uiZGQJ04keJkox0KsyYcm19RRS1x9819x27wEy4-lXTiu2lvt6HqfwZOvlVbom6HMUv5wYf8yjb8hpcklN9yRKSqqHzAuTQ==&c=HuMZ0ksZUCSZF4PXJDazcKFTgqSI931haVJgNiwBae75Ca-prmOsnA==&ch=_nqDDYTR1P8yNHWKxyuclKArOQYMUTTI5Ijrr-RvZva7a6OZoZNYKg==>
Please email Rachel Robinson, Director of Preservation at rrobinson at ppsri.org <mailto:rrobinson at ppsri.org> with any additional questions.
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