[MassHistPres] Memorandums of Agreement

Elizabeth Ware eware at dracutma.gov
Fri Oct 19 13:34:09 EDT 2018

I am working with Dracut's Community Preservation Committee (CPC) and a local church, who is willing to work with the town and others on acquiring and rehabilitating  a local grange hall that the grange committee no longer wants to manage and maintain.  The Grange was constructed in 1905, is well built and is located in the center of town.

The Church is proposing to use the Grange Hall as a community center and meeting place, and is willing to give the town free use of the building in exchange for a significant amount of CPA funds.
I am working on a MOU between the Town and the Church and am wondering if anyone has a really good MOU that they may be willing to share with me.

Many thanks,

Betsy Ware

Director of Community Development
Town of Dracut, MA.
Telephone: 978453-4557
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