[MassHistPres] Town owned building. Lease vs License agreement

sally urbano urbanosally at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 22 13:50:25 EDT 2018

Greetings from Harwich,MaAfter much work the Board of Selectmen has agreed to allow a grass roots preservation group to proceed in preserving the Historic West Harwich  Schoolhouse(1871) and putting it to use.  However they are pushing for a license agreement and no private funds. Up till now they have wanted to spend no town money on the building and it sat without upkeep for 24 years. Is the license agreement the best or only way to proceed.? The administration feels they can not do a lease without putting out an RFP and town meeting vote. Additionally if we proceed they want to put in a 30 by 30 pump house for proposed sewering, public bathrooms, a basketball court and a playground on about 3/4 of an acre. This property currently contributes to historic and unchanged views in conjunction with a Historic church , historic cemetery and within an eminent National Register district.  The addition of multiple other structures just seems wrong.   I need your thoughts and inputs please.Best to you allSally Urbanoindividual of West Harwich
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