[MassHistPres] CPC funds for a Historic preservation plan

Jim Wald jwald at hampshire.edu
Thu Sep 20 23:47:45 EDT 2018

Slight variation:

Amherst used CPA funds to commission a historic preservation plan, 
completed in 2005. We did not complete our Master Plan (funded 
separately) until several years later, but the Preservation Plan both 
strongly informed work on the Master Plan chapter on Natural and 
Cultural Resources and was among the official documents incorporated by 

Page 2.15 of this history of local planning summarizes the import of the 
Preservation Plan:


Here is the plan in its entirety:

Jim Wald
Amherst Select Board, liaison to Historical Commission
Past Chair, Comprehensive Planning Committee
Past Chair, Historical Commission

On 19/09/2018 12:44, Emily Hutchings wrote:
> Beverly is interested in this as well.
> Thank you,
> Emily Hutchings
> /City of Beverly
> Associate Planner
> 978-605-2346
> ehutchings at beverlyma.gov <mailto:ehutchings at beverlyma.gov> /
> cid:997292513 at 01082017-34F7
> *From:*MassHistPres [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] *On 
> Behalf Of *sally urbano
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:53 AM
> *To:* masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
> *Subject:* [MassHistPres] CPC funds for a Historic preservation plan
> Greetings all,
>     has anyone knowledge of CPC funds being used for a Historic 
> preservation plan to be included in the local comprehensive plan.  
> wondering what the going rate is to have one prepared and what 
> highlights would be included?
>        Thank you for your considerations.
> Sally Urbano
> individual
> Harwich,ma
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