[MassHistPres] Endowments for holding & monitoring Historic Preservation Restrictions

Diane Gilbert d.m.gilbert at comcast.net
Thu Feb 7 13:18:52 EST 2019

The subject of Endowments and Preservation Restrictions has recently come up. From time to time, I inquire about this because I am always amazed by how often the request for an endowment in exchange for holding and monitoring a PR strikes folks as highly unusual. 

PRs (deed easements) are nothing new.  These are cited in M.G.L. Ch. 184 Sections 31-33)

Per MHC’s website, "Preservation restrictions can be donated or purchased by a government body or private preservation organization and are enforced by the holder of the restriction.” 

For example, in our case, we are a private (non-profit) preservation organization. We hold two PRs. We have requested and were given an endowment for each at bargain-basement prices.  Because the Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust, Inc. has a mission to focus on Dartmouth with few exceptions, we volunteer our time to do these in exchange for a small endowment.  We work with the property owner to draft an agreement which then goes to MHC for review and approval.  We look for the gold standard of PRs which means protections in perpetuity. 

My angle happens to be associated with Community Preservation Act funds. 

Any thoughts on this topic?

Thanks, Diane

Diane Gilbert
Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust, Inc.
www.dhpt.org <http://www.dhpt.org/>
(508) 965-7265

Preserving Dartmouth’s Heritage from the Foundation Up!

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