[MassHistPres] MHC Survey and Planning Grant Projects - Upcoming Announcements

Steinitz, Michael (SEC) michael.steinitz at state.ma.us
Thu Jul 11 16:41:33 EDT 2019

This Spring the Massachusetts Historical Commission made matching grant awards to 16 projects through its Fiscal Year 2019 Survey and Planning Grant Program.  A list of all the projects awarded has been posted on MHC's web site at http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcspg/spg-recipients.htm  Congratulations again to all the awardees! Over the past few months the local project proponents have been working with MHC staff on refining their project scopes and preparing their consultant services procurement materials.  Those of you who have subscribed to the MassHistPres listserv for a while will recall that around this time of year all these projects advertise for consultant services here as part of their open procurement process.  Particularly given the number of projects awarded in this round, I'm writing to give everyone a heads-up that  there will suddenly be a flurry of these announcements on the listserv over the upcoming weeks.  Please bear with us as our preservation colleagues kick off this next important phase in getting their local community projects underway.

For more information on the Survey and Planning Grant Program see:  https://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhchpp/Surveyandplanning.htm  Updated announcements opening up the FY2020 grant round will be posted in September.

Best regards,


Michael Steinitz
Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
Director, Preservation Planning Division
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
617-727-5128 (fax)
michael.steinitz at state.ma.us

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