[MassHistPres] Historic District passed, but demo delay could expire before AG's office reviews it

heartwood jade at heartwoodrestoration.com
Wed Jul 17 20:04:00 EDT 2019

it’s nice to hear good news every once in a while...glad your diligence paid off!

jade mortimer
heartwood window restoration
po box 114 1605 mohawk trail
charlemont, ma 01339

From: Amy Ritterbusch 
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 3:33 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Historic District passed, but demo delay could expire before AG's office reviews it

I didn't want to leave you all hanging, and wanted to let you know that happily we did receive attorney general approval before the demo delay expired and the map has been filed with the Registry. In addition we have extended our demo delay from 6 months to 18 months. In all it was a very successful town meeting for us this year! 


On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 8:28 PM Amy Ritterbusch <hdcchair at hopkintonma.gov> wrote:

  We have a historically significant property in Hopkinton that is currently under a demolition delay which will expire on 7/4/19 http://www.hopkintonma.gov/departments/land_use_department/HHDC.php. At Town Meeting in May we passed it as a single-property historic district and it had overwhelming support from the town, about 80% were in favor. Our Town Counsel requested an expedited review by the Attorney General's office and the Town Clerk submitted all the paperwork. However July 4 is looming and we have not heard back from the Attorney General's office yet if the bylaw has been reviewed and approved.  

  Do you have any advice? Should we be calling and emailing the Attorney General's office regularly? Should multiple people call? I don't want to annoy them, but want to make sure it gets handled in time. 

  A neighbor called the AG's office today and was told the AG's office was aware of the tight timeline and that the developer had called the AG to inquire too, but the neighbor could not get any additional information. I think there is a high likelihood that the owner will demolish it on 7/5/19 if the AG's office does not complete their review. Any ideas of how to best proceed? 



  Amy Ritterbusch
  Chair, Hopkinton Center Historic District Commission

  Facebook @HopkintonHistoricDistrict


Amy Ritterbusch
Chair, Hopkinton Center Historic District Commission

Facebook @HopkintonHistoricDistrict


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