[MassHistPres] Threatened difficult Paul Rudolph masterpiece

Tristram Metcalfe twm3 at rcn.com
Tue Nov 12 14:27:12 EST 2019

I fully agree it is a crime to destroy scarce modernism built by acclaimed and or design talented architects regardless of the detractors who forever exist in all design periods. 
This potential destruction is just another precarious event in the evolution of human civilization. Traditional classical periods evolved well for millennia and remain elegant buildings in need of preservation. Additionally the birth of modernism requires preservation especially due to  being so scarce. 

It was new materials and methods that opened the doors to modern vision of space, light, function and structural honesty that is also built with principles of frugality and sustainability all part of Modernism’s design principles. They should be allowed to evolve preserving the roots and not become obliterated from civilization by new Luddism to be buried forever.

Tris Metcalfe

> On Nov 12, 2019, at 12:19 PM, Elizabeth Ware <eware at dracutma.gov> wrote:
> The chapel in this building is a very spiritual and a  stunningly beautiful space.  If you haven’t visited, you should see it.  It’s quite a contrast from the exterior treatment of the building.
> While I am not generally a fan of this period in architecture, the building should be finished as originally designed. 
> My understanding is that there was supposed to be a connector building towards the rear of the buildings on Cambridge Street.  Without this connector, the full Rudolph vision was never really executed and didn’t really make sense to many without the completed building. 
> A wrecking ball would be a crime.
> Betsy Ware
> Director of Community Development
> Town of Dracut, Ma.
> Telephone: 978-453-4557
> From: MassHistPres [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu <mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu>] On Behalf Of Dennis De Witt
> Sent: Friday, November 8, 2019 10:30 AM
> To: MHC Preservation listserv <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu <mailto:masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>>
> Subject: [MassHistPres] Threatened difficult Paul Rudolph masterpiece
> For those who have not seen today’s Boston Globe, the letter below is worth noting.  
> The original Globe story is at 
> https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2019/10/30/state-puts-hurley-building-downtown-boston-market/U5eHjr3ZvWkt4H8dFXA4yL/story.html?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link <https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2019/10/30/state-puts-hurley-building-downtown-boston-market/U5eHjr3ZvWkt4H8dFXA4yL/story.html?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link>
> Denis De Witt
> Brookline
> Spare the wrecking ball, and embrace challenge of a restored Hurley Building
> <image001.jpg>The state is looking to redevelop the Charles F. Hurley Building.DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF/DAVID L RYAN, GLOBE STAFF
> Today’s real estate market values modernity. Jon Chesto’s Oct. 31 article (“State to redevelop a prime site,” <https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2019/10/30/state-puts-hurley-building-downtown-boston-market/U5eHjr3ZvWkt4H8dFXA4yL/story.html?p1=Article_Inline_Text_Link> Business) conveys the state’s cautionary tone about the challenges of redeveloping the Charles F. Hurley Building and maintaining its architectural heritage. Yet to focus only on the Hurley Building’s flaws ignores the opportunities it offers.
> There’s a craftsmanship to Brutalist design. Early images of the Hurley Building visualize a proud structure made beautiful and softer by rounded, flowing accents on the ground plane and landscaping. Now it’s shrouded by trees, fences, and towering, shadowy buildings. New pedestrian pathways encourage people to walk away rather than toward it.
> So, the multimillion-dollar question is: What’s worth keeping? The building’s stepped structure, its unique shapes, and the prospect of creating private balconies all present residential and hotel uses as possible options, while improving the nooks created by the building’s shape could make public space more private. Future development should enhance the building and architect Paul Rudolph’s vision.
> Rather than letting the demolition ball swing, there’s a chance to embrace and restore the connections and design features that once made the Hurley Building a sculpture against Boston’s skyline. We just need to welcome the challenge.
> Haril Pandaya
> Director of asset strategy
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