[MassHistPres] Legal Ad: City of Medford RFP 21-0191, Winter Hill Neighborhood Historic Property Survey
Ryan D. Hayward
rhayw12345 at aol.com
Fri Aug 7 16:18:18 EDT 2020
Sent on behalf of the City of Medford:
LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF MEDFORDREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS21-0191 Winter Hill NeighborhoodHistoric Properties Survey TheCity of Medford (City) is seeking proposals from qualified historicpreservation consultants to undertake an intensive-level, neighborhood surveyof cultural and architectural resources in the Winter Hill neighborhood of theCity of Medford. This project is beingElectronically Bid (E-Bid). Requests for Proposalswill be available beginning Monday, August17, 2020. Proposal Documents will beavailable online at: https://www.bidnetdirect.com/massachusetts/cityofmedford. All planholders must have an active online account on www.bidnetdirect.com to acquiredocuments, receive project notifications, and to submit your technical andprice proposal electronically. Proposers must meet the following minimumqualifications: a Bachelor’s degree in Historic Preservation, ArchitecturalHistory, History, Art History, or a closely related field, plus at least twoyears full-time experience in an area relevant to the project; or a Master’sdegree in any of the abovementioned areas. All proposals shall besubmitted online to www.BidNetDirect.com prior to September 17, 2020, at 2p.m. Hard copy proposals will notbe accepted by BidNetDirect.com. or by the Awarding Authority. You can register to become a proposer onlineat www.BidNetDirect.com. For assistance,contact BidNetDirect.com at 800-835-4603. Each Proposal shall besubmitted in accordance with the Instructions within the RFP. It is the responsibility of prospectiveproposers and or bidders to check www.BidNetDirect.com for new information viaany addenda or modifications to this solicitation. Addenda will be emailed to all Plan holdersregistered with BidNet. Questions regarding this Request for Proposalsmust be written and submitted via BidNetDirect.com.As noted above, all addenda shall be sent viaBidNetDirect.com and emailed to registered Plan holders. The City reserves the right to reject allproposals, in whole or in part, as determined to be in the best interests ofthe City and to waive minor informalities. Shab KhanChief Procurement Officer
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