[MassHistPres] Program of possible interest at the Gibson House Museum

Burks, Sarah sburks at cambridgema.gov
Fri Feb 21 13:43:43 EST 2020

For those who administer historic house museums and societies,

Reimagining Historic House Museums
Book Talk by Kenneth Turino
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
6:00 reception, 6:30 program
$12 members, $15 non-members

Learn how historic house museums across the country are reimagining themselves at this engaging talk by Kenneth C. Turino, co-editor of the new book, Reimagining Historic House Museums. Drawing from innovative organizations across the United States, Reimagining Historic House Museums is an indispensable source of field-tested tools and techniques. It profiles historic sites that are using new models to engage with their communities, adopt creative forms of interpretation and programming, and become more financially sustainable.

Ken Turino is Manager of Community Partnerships and Resource Development at Historic New England; a member of the faculty of Tufts University's Museum Studies Program; Chair of the Leadership in History Awards Program of the American Association for State and Local History, as well as a member of its Historic House Museums Committee; and a member of the advisory council for the American Association of Museums' Museum magazine. He also serves on the Gibson House Museum’s Advisory Council.

Pre-registration is required.

Sarah L. Burks, Preservation Planner
Cambridge Historical Commission
831 Massachusetts Ave., 2nd Fl.
Cambridge, MA  02139
ph 617-349-4687; fax 617-349-6165; TTY 617-349-6112

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