[MassHistPres] Best places to find buyers of historic properties.

Susan Arena sarena at edrdpc.com
Fri Nov 13 08:19:34 EST 2020

You could also try CIRCA Old Houses https://circaoldhouses.com/. They have a solid and growing following, though it’s their sister site Cheap Old Houses https://www.cheapoldhouses.com/ that gets most of the attention. That has been featured in a few magazines, including Country Living. Cheap Old Houses tends to include threatened properties as well and their Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cheapoldhouses/ posts often get picked up by other accounts, like Saving Old Houses and Historical Homes of America. They often post “Saved” properties that have been bought as a result of their marketing.

Susan Arena
Project Architectural Historian

Environmental Design & Research
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From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> On Behalf Of Leo Greene
Sent: Sunday, November 8, 2020 7:17 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] Best places to find buyers of historic properties.


I wanted to query this knowledgeable group about the best websites/listings/publications to sell a historic home to a suitable buyer.

There is a 18th century home in Andover with historic barns that is looking for a new owner or otherwise may be partially under threat.

Any other strategy or tips are also very welcome!

My thanks in advance,

Leo Greene
Andover Historical Commission
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