[MassHistPres] Virtual Patriot's Day 2021
jlane at masshist.org
Wed Apr 14 10:56:21 EDT 2021
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** Patriot’s Day 2021
In person gatherings are still denied us, but our gratitude for the sacrifice of those who have come before us in the cause of American liberty is no less.
April 19, 1775 saw the gathering of thousands of Massachusetts militia to repel the march of British soldiers into the interior of Massachusetts in search of a cache of arms and munition. For generations sicne thousands of Americans have traditionally gathered along this same route to commemorate the events of the day and the sacrifice of those brave men and women who took part.
The Covid-19 pandemic prevents such gatherings for a 2nd time in two years, but a new coalition has formed to engage Americans for the purpose of commemorating the events of that day.
April 19th History Coalition is made up of representatives from Minute Man National Historical Park (https://www.nps.gov/mima/index.htm) , Arlington Historical Society (https://arlingtonhistorical.org/) , Concord Museum (https://concordmuseum.org/) , Concord Celebrations Committee (https://www.concordma.gov/1158/Public-Ceremonies-Celebrations-Committee) , Lexington Historical Society (https://www.lexingtonhistory.org/) , Lexington Celebrations Committee (https://www.lexingtonma.gov/home/events/182741) , Lincoln Historical Society (http://lincolnhistoricalsociety.org/) , Minute Man Media Network (https://concordma.gov/2335/Minuteman-Media-Network-MMN) , Friends of Minute Man National Historic Park, Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area (http://freedomsway.org/) , and Revolution 250 (http://www.revolution250.org) . Using these partnerships, the April 19th History Coalition seeks to tell the story of the events of April 18 & 19 when 700 soldiers of the British Army marched to Lexington &
Concord in search of hidden arms and ammunition and were forcibly opposed by members of the Massachusetts militia and driven back to Boston.
The coalition will use innovative digital programming to connect the people of today with the events of April 18th & 19th, 1775, as well as with the lives of the people who were participants and witnesses to the events along, what would become known as “Battle Road.” Among the planned programs are
Our Tangible Past, which will feature short video introductions to the artifacts and material culture held by April 19th History Coalition partner institutions that help us to the events of those days; The Revolution in Real Time, that will use the hashtag #RevolutioninRealTime on Social Media to help showcase how the events of those days played out in chronological time; and Voices of 1775, in which Volunteers, Reenactors, National Park and Museum staff will portray the men and women who were witnesses to this moment that changed the world.
Join us virtually for the Patriot Vigil. Thismoving candlelight tribute was filmed at the North Bridge battlefield by Minute Man National Historical Park and the April 19th History Coalition and is dedicated to those who lost their lives on April 19, 1775. The ceremony was pre-recorded, but we invite you to participate virtually on April 18th by placing a candle or candle lantern in your window, photograph it and post it to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with
Follow all the action on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtags #VirtualPatriotsDay and #RevolutioninRealTime.
A full schedule of the programs can be found at www.Revolution250.org
** 250th Commission Update
The two bills filed in the Massachusetts House of Representatives to establish a Commission for the 250 Anniversary of the American Revolution have been assigned to the Joint Committee for State Administration & Regulatory Oversight.
H.3106, filed by Rep. David Biele of South Boston is the same bill passed by the House in January. The legislation is “A Resolve Establishing a Commission on the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution.”
H.3226, filed by Representatives Jeffrey N. Roy (Franklin) and Paul McMurtry (Dedham) is “An Act Establishing a Commission on the 250th Anniversary of the American Revolution”
We encourage you to contact your State Representative and ask for their support in passing one of these pieces of legislation. The Commission is necessary in order to cement our relationship, and prospects for funding from, the national Semiquincentennial Commission, America 250.
For information on contacting your representative can be found here. (https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator)
To contact the Joint committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight visit their web page. (https://malegislature.gov/Committees/Detail/J25)
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