[MassHistPres] Architectural Conservation District

jlennerton at aol.com jlennerton at aol.com
Wed May 12 09:35:45 EDT 2021

Hello everyone, I'm just following up on a previous message I had sent the group.The town of Leicester did pass the Architectural Conservation District last night at town meeting.
As we move forward with forming the the ACD Commission, we are looking for samples of design guidelines. Any assistance or direction that could be provided would be much appreciated.

We do have samples from Brookline and Cambridge as previously suggested by Dennis De Witt in Brookline and we do plan to follow his suggestion at not creating a large unwieldy set of guidelines.
ThanksJoe LennertonLeicester Historical Commission

-----Original Message-----
From: jlennerton at aol.com
To: MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>
Sent: Wed, May 5, 2021 7:52 am
Subject: Architectural Conservation District

Hello,does anyone have access to the sample municipal bylaw that creates an Architectural Conservation District?
The town of Leicester is going to town meeting with a proposed district, but we do not have the sample text of the design guidelines that go with the bylaw
Becker College closed permanently and is the single largest owner of historical properties in Leicester (and Worcester) so we're trying to act fast to put some protections in place as these properties are sold off.
Thank youJoseph LennertonL:icester Historical Commission
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