[MassHistPres] Developers of Historic Hospitals

Lilith Wolinsky lilithwolinsky at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 14 21:17:44 EST 2022

Hello all,

I wrote a while back in regards to resources for preserving the former Farren Hospital, located in Montague City, Massachusetts.

Since that time, some preservation allies have been able to get the building listed on the State Inventory, and it is also being considered for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Our town officials, however, are still reluctant to pursue options other than demolition (we might have a little more sway with the owners, but the jury is still out on that), and keep stating "if we had a developer, we would consider it".

So... I thought I would inquire, and see if anyone knows of a developer who might have interest in a Wilson Erye, Jr designed, Beaux-Arts hospital building constructed between 1889-1900.  It is approximately 20,000 sq. ft and located in a sweet little village adjacent to the Connecticut, and quite near the town center of Greenfield, MA, as well as downtown Turners Falls.

Please let me know, if so, and thank you for considering.


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