[MassHistPres] Phone/Cable hook-ups in historic districts

Nicholas Armata nicholas.armata at boston.gov
Tue Jan 4 10:25:36 EST 2022

In Boston's Beacon Hill Historic District, there is a growing concern with
utility companies (Verizon, AT&T, etc.) installing phone/cable hookups on
private property without historic district approval and, in some cases,
without the permission of the property owner. This work does not require a
permit from the building department.  For context, Beacon Hill regulates
all exterior changes visible from a public street or significant viewshed
from places like Boston Common or the Longfellow Bridge.

Our legislation's safeguards to prevent unauthorized work (fines, stop work
orders, violation notices) are not effective here because; (A.) no permit
is required and (B.) violations are issued to the property owner, not the
installer. We've reached out to the companies who have committed to
following the application protocol, but unfortunately they have been empty

Do any other communities have this issue? If so, what measures are used to
stop this?

[image: COB_B_Blue_square-01.png]

Nicholas (Nick) A. Armata, AICP

Senior Preservation Planner

Boston Landmarks Commission <http://boston.gov/landmarks>

Office: (617) 635-3850
Email: nicholas.armata at boston.gov
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/BostonLandmarks/> | Twitter
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<https://www.instagram.com/bostonlandmarks/>* | Newsletter

*Please Note the Following Important Information: *

   - *Attention Beacon Hill Architectural District Applicants: We now
   require all approval certificates to be displayed on site for the duration
   of the project. Click here
   <https://www.boston.gov/sites/default/files/file/2020/06/BHPlacard.pdf> for
   - *Design review applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To be
   added to a hearing agenda, an application must be determined to be complete
   by staff fifteen business days prior to the public hearing date. Incomplete
   applications cannot be added to a public hearing agenda. Please check our
   website <https://www.boston.gov/departments/landmarks-commission> for
   - *The City of Boston is subject to MGL: Ch.66, Sec.10 Public Records
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