[MassHistPres] NPS Grant Announcement: Underrepresented Communities Applications due July 18, 2023

Doherty, Jennifer (SEC) jennifer.doherty2 at state.ma.us
Wed Apr 19 10:41:28 EDT 2023

Please see the below grant announcement from the National Park Service (NPS). This grant is not affiliated with nor offered by the Massachusetts Historical Commission. Please contact NPS directly if you have questions or would like to apply.

Attend the NPS Grants information session hosted by the MHC on Tuesday, May 16 from 12-1 pm via Zoom to learn more about this and other grants the NPS offers. Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/616633055067>.

The State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division<https://www.nps.gov/orgs/1623/index.htm> is now accepting applications for the Underrepresented Communities Grant Program<https://www.nps.gov/subjects/historicpreservationfund/underrepresented-community-grants.htm>. Before applying, please make sure that you have read and understand the limitations of each funding program and have carefully reviewed the Notice of Funding Opportunity. The Notice of Funding Opportunity<https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html> contains all the information you will need to create a successful application.

Congress has appropriated $1.25 million for the Underrepresented Communities Grant Program (URC) for FY 2023. The URC Grant Program supports the survey, inventory, and designation of historic properties that are associated with communities currently underrepresented in the National Register of Historic Places and among National Historic Landmarks.

Eligible applicants include: State Historic Preservation Offices; Federally Recognized Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Villages/Corporations, and Native Hawaiian Organizations, as defined by 54 USC 300309, 54 USC 300313, and 54 USC 300314; and, Certified Local Governments. NEW! The NPS will now accept URC Grant applications from U.S. nonprofit entities!

What is Funded
URC Grant Projects include the survey, inventory, and designation of historic properties that are associated with communities currently underrepresented in the National Register of Historic Places, and among National Historic Landmarks. All funded projects must result in:

*                     The submission of a new nomination to the National Register of Historic Places or National Historic Landmark program to include underrepresented communities, or

*                     An amendment to an existing National Register or National Historic Landmark nomination to include underrepresented communities

What is Not Funded

*                     Physical work on historic properties

*                     Reconstruction or new construction

*                     Moving historic properties, or work on moved properties that are no longer eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places

*                     Lobbying or advocacy activities

*                     Costs for work already completed, or funded through other federal programs

*                     Acquisitions of historic sites or collections

*                     Conservation of collections, except as part of gathering oral history documentation

*                     Long-term maintenance or curatorial work beyond the grant period

*                     Work completed prior to execution of Grant Agreement

*                     Cash reserves, endowments, revolving funds, or fundraising costs

*                     Administrative and indirect costs beyond 25% of the total project budget

Applications are due July 18, 2023.


Jennifer B. Doherty
Local Government Programs Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
Office: (617) 727-8470
Remote: (617) 807-0685
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>

Register for virtual workshops<https://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcotr/otridx.htm>

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