[MassHistPres] Historic preservation architect referrals?

Amy D. Finstein adf9u at virginia.edu
Fri Jan 6 08:00:00 EST 2023


I am chair of the Historic District Commission in Framingham, MA, and we
have a local property owner who is planning to renovate an 1832 house in
one of our LHDs to serve as a daycare/afterschool care facility.

We are looking for an experienced architect specializing in
historic preservation who can work with the owner and the HDC to refine the
plans to have more historic sensitivity. This is largely about details --
specifying windows, light fixtures, some egress stair details, as well as
some broader site planning refinements. This is not a huge project, but one
that could be very impactful for this property and the surrounding district.

If you have names of folks who might be appropriate for this type of job,
I'd be grateful to hear them!

Thanks in advance!
All best,
Amy Finstein
Chair, Framingham Historic District Commission
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