[MassHistPres] Job Posting--Preservation Planner

Harris, Jeffrey (DCR) jeffrey.harris at state.ma.us
Fri Jan 6 12:42:09 EST 2023

The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation in Boston has posted a full-time position of Preservation Planner in its Office of Cultural Resources to coordinate review and compliance procedures, support inventory activities, provide project management services, and other duties.  Join our team of preservationists, planners, and archivists stewarding the diverse cultural resources of the Massachusetts state park system.

Please note that priority consideration will be given to applications received by January 20, 2023.

See below link for more information on job duties, qualifications, salary/benefits, and how to apply:

Job Description - Regional Planner III - Preservation Planner (22000DRQ) (taleo.net)<https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=22000DRQ>

Jeffrey Harris
Office of Cultural Resources
MA Dep't of Conservation and Recreation
251 Causeway Street, Suite 600
Boston, MA  02114
617-851-2241 cell

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