[MassHistPres] Renaming your historical society

Pleun Bouricius pleunbouricius at gmail.com
Wed May 10 11:33:31 EDT 2023

Hi David

My observation is that it makes a big difference if the name change is indicative of and reflects a change in activities and focus. Taking a wider and more community-centered approach can be energizing and give new life, but there has to be a commitment to change. You’d be hoping to get more and different people and groups involved, and do programming in more accessible ways and on different topics or issues. Change the board, open up. Have the name be that of a different kind of organization.

I think you might want to ask Susan Grabski of the Lawrence History Center, the folks at Historic Northampton, or Marieke Van Damme at History Cambridge. 

And by the way, Marieke wil be the keynote speaker at the Mass History Conference, which is on this topic,  in early July. That might be a good place to discuss it. Register here: https://masshistoryalliance.org/what-we-do/mass-history-conference/2023-mass-history-conference/ <https://masshistoryalliance.org/what-we-do/mass-history-conference/2023-mass-history-conference/>
Finally, I’d be interested in doing a Mass History Commons program on that topic in the fall. Let me know if you are interested in that.

Pleun Bouricius
President, MHA

> On May 8, 2023, at 11:33 PM, David Temple via MassHistPres <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu> wrote:
> There's been a trend away from the term "historical society" because it seems to connote old and fusty, not a lively, happening place.
> If you changed your name to "X History Center"  or "Historic X"  or something similar - do you think the change actually accomplished anything?  Did making the change create any problems?
> In your reply, please include my original message.
> David F. Temple
> President, Medfield Historical Society
> https://medfieldhistoricalsociety.org/
> Co-Chair, Medfield Historical Commission
> 300 South Street
> Medfield, MA 02052
> H-508-359-2915 M-508-613-6606
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Pleun Clara Bouricius, PhD
pleunbouricius at gmail.com

Swift River Press <http://swiftriverpress.com/>: 
Public History & Communications by Pleun Bouricius

PO Box 41
Plainfield, MA 01070, USA
Home +1413-634-2250

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