[MassHistPres] Demo Delay Definition of Demolition

George Shaw georgeshawartist at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 10:50:31 EDT 2023

This is an excerpt from Cambridge ordinances: I might be biased (I worked
for the city for a few years), but Cambridge Historic Commission is one of
the best and a great source of information.
George Shaw
Harmony Woodworking  ( retired)

Demolition is defined in the ordinance as "the act of pulling down,
destroying, removing or razing a building or commencing the work of total
or substantial destruction with the intent of completing the same." The
Inspectional Services Commissioner provided guidelines to outline what
actions may require a demolition permit. In addition to complete demolition
of a building, the following actions may require a demolition permit,

   - removal of more than 25% of a structure
   - removal of a roof (for example, raising the overall height of a roof,
   rebuilding the roof to a different pitch, or adding another story to a
   - removal of one side of a building
   - gutting of a building's interior to the point where exterior features
   (windows, etc.) are impacted

On Fri, Nov 3, 2023, 9:57 AM George Triantaris via MassHistPres <
masshistpres at cs.umb.edu> wrote:

> We are in the process of drafting a demolition delay bylaw for Harvard
> Mass and I wonder if any towns have included a definition of "substantial
> demolition" which is referenced but not defined in the boilerplate sample
> bylaw supplied by the Commonwealth.
> DEMOLITION - Any act of pulling down, destroying, removing, moving,
> dismantling or razing a building or commencing the work of total or
> substantial destruction with the intent of completing the same.
> I am worried that without a definition of substantial demolition,
> developers will simply leave a small portion of the building such as the
> facade and argue that they have not "demolished" the structure in order to
> get around the bylaw.   Any advice would be most welcome.
> --
> Many thanks,
> George Triantaris, Chair
> Harvard Historical Commission
> https://www.harvard-ma.gov/historical-commission
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