[MassHistPres] 1796 House
Michael Roughan
historychair at hopkintonma.gov
Tue Mar 4 08:50:46 EST 2025
Thank you for sharing this sad and depressing loss of an irreplaceable
historic structure.
Even with catastrophic events such as the loss of the 1696 house, there are
teachable moments. For me, the Mass Audubon Society touts their
stewardship of properties and wildlife sanctuaries but clearly have
abrogated any responsibility for historic structures on their properties.
Future donors need to be forewarned that donating land that has any
structures close to being a historic resource should expect the same
treatment from Mass Audubon unless they create a specific deed restriction
preventing the repeat of such a callous act.
Michael Roughan, AIA Emeritus
*Chairman* Hopkinton Historical Commission
Michael Roughan, AIA, ACHA, EDAC, LEED AP
Hopkinton Historical Commission
18 Main St
Hopkinton, Ma. 01748
*M* +1.617.784.6463
Historychair at hopkintonma.gov
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