Students successfully completing this course will:
During the first week, please attend your lecture sessions only. There are no lab sessions. Starting in the second week, attend both the lecture sessions and your assigned section's lab session according to the schedule below.
You must apply for a Linux account in the CS department and a link to the course directory for this course. Please read the instructions at: How do I get a UNIX account for my course?. If you have any questions about the apply process, please contact the operators in the CS Dept. Linux/PC Lab.
After you have an account, you can login using any Linux system in the Linux/PC lab room with your account ID and the password you selected during the apply process. You will also be able to login on the PC's in the lab with your Linux account ID and a default password that your instructor will provide to the class. When you are logged in on a PC in the lab or using your own PC, you can use the SSH communication package to remotely login to the Linux system "".
Your email address will be your and it will be included in the course email broadcast list. You are responsible for receiving any email the grader or I broadcast to the list. You will need to be able to use your Linux account for two things. Follow these instructions: Introduction to Linux Use
You will be able to work on your Machine Projects in our Linux/PC lab and in our weblab. However, you will probably want to run your Machine Projects on your own PC at home. Here are the instructions for installing VMWare and our tutor-vserver and tutor virtual machines on your system: CS341 VMWare Installation
Since I am retired and only teaching part time now, I don't have a permanent office. Check my home page for each week's office hours schedule and location.
SSH Communications Software Download
The assignment for Machine Projects will be posted on the web site, but the rest of the materials required for them are not web accessible. They must be accessed using UNIX as explained in class. My UNIX home directory for getting machine project materials is ~bobw/cs341.
After you apply for the course, the operators will create a cs341 soft link in your home directory. That link will point to your subdirectory for doing your homework. You will create a subdirectory for each machine project and put all of your homework files there. Do not change the ownership, the group, or the modes on your homework directories. That could prevent me and the graders from reading your files and/or allow other students to read your homework files. Doing this will be considered a possible infraction of the academic honesty policy.
The project grader is Akram Bayat (
Machine Projects will be C and/or assembly language programming projects.
You will get grades back for one Exam and the first few homework assignments before the Registrar's withdrawal and pass/fail deadline so that you will know where you stand in time to make that decision.
Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers guidelines for curriculum modifications and adaptations for students with documented disabilities. If applicable, students may obtain adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability Services in the Campus Center (617-287-7430). The student must present these recommendations and discuss them with each professor within a reasonable period, preferably by the end of Drop/Add period.
Students are required to adhere to the University Policy on Academic Standards and Cheating, to the University Statement on Plagiarism and the Documentation of Written Work, and to the Code of Student Conduct as delineated in the catalog of Undergraduate Programs. The Code is also available online at: Code of Student Conduct
In particular, some students have been caught posting their lab/project assignments or solutions on public websites requesting or offering to pay for outside assistance. This is unauthorized collaboration which is academic dishonesty. In addition, because it is publicly posted, it allows other students to find their code - enabling them to copy it - which is also academic dishonesty. I consider any public posting by students of any homework assignments or solutions on the internet to be prima facie evidence of academic dishonesty. I will identify the students involved and sanction them.