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We will use the Web Lab in CS departments for programming ArcGIS with VBA. Each student requires his/her door code and computer account to use the Web Lab. The instructions to access the Web Lab are as follows:
Weka is installed in computers labeled PCLab01 to PCLab10 and PCLab16 to PCLab25 in the CS Department's Unix/PC lab (S-3-158). There are some required steps students need to follow in order to use the computers in the UNIX/PC lab.
Blackboard Vista (formerly known as WebCT) is a web-based course management system used throughout all UMass campuses. It allows instructors to enhance your online learning experience by offering such features as discussions, reading and multimedia materials, course information (such as a syllabus), assignments, and tests.
Information regarding all technical issues including Webmail and Blackboard Vista can be found on the Information Technology home page.
Login to Blackboard Vista
Login at:
Username: Same as your email Login (no
Password: Same as your email password
Email Login: donald.draper001
Email Password: swordfish
Blackboard Login: donald.draper001 Blackboard Password: swordfish
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© Wei Ding, 2010, all rights reserved. This document is made available for use by the students of CS 697 at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Copying, distribution or other use of this document without express permission of the author is forbidden. You may create links to pages in this web site, but may not copy all or part of the text without permission of the author.