Starting Excel today, in the mac lab. I’ve asked the class to work through the first sections of the chapter 6 tutorial before coming to class, and to seat themselves so that experienced users and newbies share tables. I’d like to breeze through to median computations, maybe even start bar charts. We’ll see how it goes.
Very successful class. The students had really done their homework, which meant I only had to clear some things up, not teach from scratch. Spent time on formatting, which I usually just leave to them to figure out (with unsatisfactory results). Showed them that they could show the formulas.
Several questions (make the cool cones for the column chart, why would anyone want stacked to 100%) led to a good discussion of when what was possible was what was good.
Worked through the median idea, and drew a column chart with categories. That clears the decks for starting histograms on Tuesday. I’m tempted to ask them to try it for themselves at home first!
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