On this page:
End-of-class Surveys
In-Class Exercises
1 April 12, 2021:   TMs and Recursion
2 February 1, 2021:   DFAs
2.1 Question
2.2 Answer

Lecture Extra

This page contains supplementary material from lectures.

End-of-class Surveys

Latest End-of-class Survey: Wed 2/17


In-Class Exercises

1 April 12, 2021: TMs and Recursion

Here is the code from lecture.

2 February 1, 2021: DFAs

2.1 Question

Design a DFA M that recognizes language A:

A = \{w\mid w\textrm{ has exactly three } 1\textrm{s}\}

Assume \Sigma = \{0,1\}.

Recall Definition 1.5 from the book: a DFA is a 5-tuple (Q,\Sigma,\delta,q_0,F), where:
  • Q is a finite set called the states,

  • \Sigma is a finite set called the alphabet,

  • \delta:Q\times\Sigma\rightarrow Q is the transition function,

  • q_0\in Q is the start state, and

  • F\subseteq Q is the set of accept states.

2.2 Answer