On this page:
1 Countably or Uncountably Infinite?
2 CS420 is Undecidable?
3 CS420 is Undecidable? (Again)
4 One more Undecidable Problem

Homework 9

Last updated: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:08:02 -0400

Out: Wed Apr 12, 00:00 EST Due: Sun Apr 23, 23:59 EST (extended)

This assignment explores decidability and deciders.

Homework Problems

  1. Countably or Uncountably Infinite? (6 + 6 = 12 points)

  2. CS420 is Undecidable? (13 points)

  3. CS420 is Undecidable? (Again) (12 points)

  4. One more Undecidable Problem (12 points)

  5. README (1 point)

Total: 50 points


Submit your solution to this assignment in Gradescope hw9. Please assign each page to the correct problem and make sure your solutions are legible.

A submission must also include a README containing the required information.

1 Countably or Uncountably Infinite?

In class, we learned about how different infinite sets can have different sizes. Specifically, they can be either countable or uncountable.

2 CS420 is Undecidable?

Prove that the following language is undecidable:

\textit{CS420} = \left\{\left\langle M\right\rangle\mid M\textrm{ is a \textsf{TM} where }\texttt{CS420}\in L(M)\right\}

Your proof should be a proof by contradiction and should reduce from A_\textsf{TM}. It should also use the "modify the TM" technique from class.

3 CS420 is Undecidable? (Again)

Now prove that \textit{CS420} (from the above CS420 is Undecidable? problem) is undecidable, again.

This time, your proof should reduce from E_\textsf{TM}. It must be a proof by contradiction.

4 One more Undecidable Problem

Re-prove that E_\textsf{TM} is undecidable.

Your proof must reduce from the undecidable \textit{CS420} language from the CS420 is Undecidable? and CS420 is Undecidable? (Again) problems. (You may assume that the \textit{CS420} language is undecidable, even if you were unable to answer the earlier questions.) The proof must be a proof by contradiction.