On this page:
1 Staff
2 Lecture
3 Office Hours
4 Textbook
5 Homework
6 Exams

Course Info

Last updated: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 23:39:56 -0500

This page lists basic information about the course such as people and times.

1 Staff

Instructor: Stephen Chang (email: Stephen.Chang)

TA: Jean Gerard (email: Jean.Gerard001)

TA: Anna Bosunova (email: Anna.Bosunova001)

TA: Richard Chang (email: Richard.Chang002)

(All emails are UMB addresses)

2 Lecture


Lectures meet at the following times:

First Lecture: Monday, January 22, 2024

Last Lecture: Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Location: McCormack M03-0407

See also Lecture Policy.

3 Office Hours

To accommodate different needs, we will have both in-person and virtual office hours.

Office hours will be held weekly in-person, in McCormack, 3rd Floor, at these times:

Office hours will be held weekly via Zoom during these times:

Drop-ins are fine, but emailing in advance if you can would be helpful.

These will usually be group meetings, but one-on-ones are available upon request.

4 Textbook

Material from the course will be drawn from the the following textbooks:

In general, the lectures and slides are self-contained, but for reference I list book chapters to accompany each lecture.

In past courses, students that read the textbook chapters learn more from lecture and earn higher grades in the course.

5 Homework

Homework will be assigned weekly.

We will usually follow this schedule:

Homework out: Mondays 12:00 pm EST (noon)

Homework due: Mondays 12:01 pm EST (noon)

But the schedule may change due to holidays or other circumstances.

See also Homework Submission Policy.

6 Exams

There are no exams for this course this semester.