[MassHistPres] Historic UMass Buildings Threatened

Joseph S. Larson larson at tei.umass.edu
Fri Apr 20 10:22:20 EDT 2007

The University of Massachusetts administration is making preparations to demolish several buildings on the Amherst campus that are on the Inventory of Historic and Archeological Assets of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. There are 23 so listed structures on the campus, two dating as early as the mid 1700's, and the rest from the mid-1800's forward in time. At least one structure of international historic significance was lost to fire in the 1960's, not having a sprinkler or alarm system. Some of the existing stuctures are obvious candidates for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places according to the Amherst Historical Commission's Amherst Preservation Plan. The Amherst Commission describes these building as "unprotected, threatening the loss of much of Amherst's history." Efforts by individuals to encourage the campus administration to approve placing the most significant structures on the national list have been give a cool reception, at best. The town's demolition delay by-law has no force on state property.

A group of UMass active and retired faculty members, professional staff, and friends are forming a private organization whose goal is to persuade the Amherst campus administration to put a hold on demolition of all campus state listed buildings until an independent, professional assessment of these structures, in cooperation with the state and town historical commissions, is prepared as the basis for deciding which should and can be preserved. A draft proposal to a national foundation has been prepared to fund such a study, but university endorsement of the proposal has not been forthcoming.

Individuals who would like to either be either identified as supporting the group's goal or particpating in its work should let me know of their interest.
Joseph S. Larson
27 Arnold Road
Pelham, Massachusetts 01002-9757

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