[MassHistPres] Reminder: VAF:NE Winter Meeting 18 April 2009

Laura B. Driemeyer ldriemeyer at verizon.net
Mon Apr 6 08:56:36 EDT 2009

Current Research in Vernacular Architecture

New England Chapter of the Vernacular Architecture Forum Winter Meeting

18 April 2009

Old Sturbridge Village

8:45    Registration and Coffee
9:15    Welcome and Introduction, Bill Flynt

9:30    Building Order on Beacon Hill
Jeffrey Klee, Colonial Williamsburg

10:15    Picturing Freedom: Pedro Tovookan Parris' Autobiographical Landscapes
Martha McNamara, Wellesley College

10:40    Marshall Street, Watertown, Massachusetts: a Charles Brigham Showroom
David Russo, Independent Scholar

11:05    Architecture and the Reproduction of Privilege: A Cultural Landscape Approach to the Children's Cottage at the Breakers
Abigail Van Slyck, Connecticut College

11:50   Lunch and VAF:NE Annual Meeting

1:15   Gendered Landscapes in Turn-of-the-Century San Francisco
Jessica Sewell, Boston University

2:00     Invisible Property: the Clothes Closet as Architectural Space
Elizabeth Cromley, Northeastern University

WHAT IS THE VAF?  The Vernacular Architecture Forum was founded in 1980 to encourage the study and preservation of all aspects of vernacular 
architecture and landscapes, through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary methods.  The VAF publishes a quarterly newsletter and a journal, _Buildings 
and Landscapes: A Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum_, begun in 1982 as book series titled _Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture_.  The VAF 
also awards the Abbott Lowell Cummings Award, for the best book in North American vernacular architecture; the Paul Buchanan Award, for excellence in 
fieldwork and interpretation, and the Henry Glassie Award, for special achievements in and contributions to the field of vernacular architecture. Its annual meetings, which emphasize intensive tours, are among its most distinctive traditions.  Since 1997 the New England Chapter of the VAF has sponsored a number of field trips, workshops on building analysis, and this conference.

Membership in the New England Chapter is a free benefit of VAF membership for those in the six New England states and members receive regular 
notification of Chapter activities.  To join, send your name, address, and dues to Gabrielle Lanier, P.O. Box 1511, Harrisonburg, VA  22803-1511.  $60 
active member, $30 student.  For more information about the VAF and other membership categories, visit our web site at http://www.vafweb.org.

Directions to Old Sturbridge Village:  Old Sturbridge Village is located in the town of Sturbridge, MA, near the intersection of Route 90 (the Massachusetts Turnpike) and Route 84.  Make your way to Route 90/Mass Pike and take Sturbridge exit 9, which will be marked for Old Sturbridge Village with the brown signs used to indicate historic sites and parks.  After paying your toll, take the first right onto Route 20 west and follow the signs.  You will need to take the jug-handle on the right to make the left turn into the Village.  Park in the Village lot.  Then follow the path from the parking lot past the new Tavern and the Bookstore on the left and the Visitors Center on the right.  The Conference Center is just past the Visitors Center on the right.

Weather:  Since the Village is located on major roadways, we hope not to have to cancel, whatever the weather.  But if you are in doubt, you can call 
508-347-3362 and an answering machine will let you know if we have decided the predictions are too dire.

Lunch:  You may order sandwiches, drinks, etc. for an informal lunch at the Conference Center, available for $12.  A la carte options may also be 
available at the Bullard Tavern in the historic area of the Village.
***Please register in advance.  We need an estimate of participants.***

Send registration material to:
VAF-New England
c/o Dr. Elizabeth Cromley, 151 Ryder Hall, Dept. of Architecture, 
Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115




Phone:__________________        e-mail:___________________

VAF member $10 _____.    Non-member $18 _____.    Student $8 ______.  
Lunch $12 ______

VAF-New England operates primarily through donated funds and services.
Your additional contribution will help us to continue our program of field trips and winter meetings.
Students should include a photocopy of their student ID.
Please make check payable to VAF-NE.

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