[MassHistPres] Congressional Letter re: Preservation Restrictions
Stefan Nagel
snagel at stevesmall.com
Wed Apr 20 08:42:15 EDT 2011
Dear Listservers:
It appears my previous attempt to share the congressional letter requesting
the IRS to modify its intensive screening of preservation restriction
donations may not have had the letter attached. FYI, it can be found at:
I hope you're able to access the letter through this link.
Stefan Nagel
Stefan Nagel, Esq., Of Counsel
Law Office of Stephen J. Small, Esq., P.C.
One Gateway Center, Suite 801
Newton, MA 02458-2804
Phone: 617-357-4012
Fax: 617-357-1857
www.lawofficeofstephensmall.com <http://www.lawofficeofstephensmall.com/>
snagel at stevesmall.com
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