[MassHistPres] Boston Landmarks Commission - Request for Proposals
Wolf, Emily
Emily.Wolf at cityofboston.gov
Tue Jun 7 10:13:46 EDT 2011
The Boston Landmarks Commission, by and through the City of Boston, is seeking proposals from qualified historic preservation consultants to complete the third phase of a survey update for the Central Business District, resulting in updated inventory forms for approximately 120 properties surveyed in 1979-1980. The updates will consist of continuation sheets to amend original survey information, with a third-phase focus on buildings located within the Financial District (roughly bounded by Atlantic, State, and Devonshire streets), Chinatown, and the former Textile and Leather districts (including Essex, Kingston, Chauncy, Edinboro, Kneeland, Beach, Lincoln, South, Tufts, Utica, and East streets).
The City of Boston reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.
The Request for Proposals (RFP), containing scope of work, proposal requirements, and evaluation criteria, is attached. Copies are also available at the office of the Boston Landmarks Commission, Boston City Hall, room 805, 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201 (office hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00).
Proposers must meet the following minimum qualifications: a Bachelor's degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History, or a closely related field, plus at least two years full-time experience in an area relevant to the project; or a Master's degree in any of the above-mentioned areas.
Requests for Proposals will be due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 15, 2011.
Please contact Emily Wolf at 617-635-3850 or emily.wolf at cityofboston.gov<mailto:emily.wolf at cityofboston.gov> for additional information.
Emily Wolf
Architectural Historian / Assistant Survey Director
Boston Landmarks Commission
City of Boston Environment Department
Boston City Hall, Room 805
Boston, MA 02201
T: 617/635-3850 F: 617/635-3435
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