[MassHistPres] MA Association of Historic Preservation Commissions

Electa Tritsch e.tritsch at comcast.net
Tue May 17 12:01:43 EDT 2011

Since we are talking ancient history as well as future planning, just
wanted to remind the listserv that before HMI took on much of the
historical commission programming, the Bay State Historical League was
playing that role in the late 70s, early 80s. BSHL's quarterly meetings
aimed to address the concerns and interests of both historical societies
and the then-new commissions. A tall order - not always successful - but
the message behind the meetings was that private and public
historically-oriented entities had a lot to share (including many of the
same members).
Electa Kane Tritsch
Director, Oakfield Research
233 Heaths Bridge Rd
Concord MA 01742
 <http://www.oakfieldresearch.com/> www.oakfieldresearch.com

-----Original Message-----
From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Zimmerman Sally
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 11:16 AM
To: listserve MHC MHC; Witt Dennis De
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] MA Association of Historic Preservation
Yes, this was within Alan Schwartz's tenure. And I also recall that the
coursework began to be offered once the statewide conference no longer
filled that need.
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