[MassHistPres] Contemporary materials in Historic Districts

Barbara Kurze bkurze at newtonma.gov
Tue Oct 4 09:47:42 EDT 2016

Newton’s local historic district commissions have recently started approving contemporary materials for some projects and properties. Fiberglass and copper gutters have been approved as appropriate replacements for wood gutters as the wood gutters are difficult to maintain and often do not have sufficient carrying capacity. There are good fiberglass products out there that have historic profiles and look like wood when painted. The commissions are also approving cellular PVC for simple wood trim elements and for decking and railing system components as long as the material has a matte finish and has the appearance of wood when painted. The commissions also require that the profiles and details match the existing historic elements and that there are no obvious faux finishes such as an exaggerated or too regular wood grain pattern. Replacing wood trim, decking and railing systems in-kind either requires that owners invest in expensive hardwoods or use more affordable woods that do not seem to last very long.

Currently the applications go to the commissions for a public hearing and the commissions do require samples of the product so that they can see the look and finish of what is being proposed. But the expectation is that once we have more practical experience with these types of substitutions that the more straightforward cases will be reviewed by staff. And because this is such a recent shift, we are monitoring the projects for the final installed appearance and longer-term weatherization. I would note that the commissions usually will not approve cellular PVC for important, high-style, architect-designed properties unless it is being used on minimally visible secondary features such as side or rear porch railing systems.

Barbara Kurze
Senior Preservation Planner
City of Newton Planning and Development Department
Phone:(617) 796-1129  Fax: (617) 796-1086

From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Young, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 12:36 PM
To: 'James J. O'Rourke Jr.'; 'Patricia Kelleher'; 'Chris Warner'; masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Cc: Susan at cs.umb.edu; 'Larry Spang (E-mail)'; 'Reed Cutting'; 'Jane Turiel'; 'Laurie Weisman (E-mail)'; 'Laurie Weisman (E-mail 2)'; 'David Hart (E-mail)'; 'Keenan'; 'Joanne McCrea'; 'Kathy Harper (E-mail)'; 'Jessica Herbert (E-mail 2)'
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Contemporary materials in Historic Districts

Hingham uses Preservation Brief 16 from the National Park Service as a guide.


[Town of Hingham]<http://www.hingham-ma.gov/>

Andrea Young
Hingham Historical Commission
Hingham Historic Districts Commission
Town of Hingham
210 Central Street
Hingham, MA 02043
Voice: (781) 741-1492
younga at hingham-ma.gov<mailto:younga at hingham-ma.gov>


From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of James J. O'Rourke Jr.
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 3:48 PM
To: 'Patricia Kelleher'; 'Chris Warner'; masshistpres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Cc: 'Larry Spang (E-mail)'; 'Reed Cutting'; 'Jane Turiel'; 'Laurie Weisman (E-mail)'; 'Laurie Weisman (E-mail 2)'; 'David Hart (E-mail)'; 'Keenan'; 'Joanne McCrea'; 'Jessica Herbert (E-mail 2)'; 'Kathy Harper (E-mail)'; Susan at cs.umb.edu<mailto:Susan at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Contemporary materials in Historic Districts

In reading the recent posts regarding the use of contemporary materials in cases involving historic rehabilitation, I was struck by the fact that no one referred to the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for historic rehabilitation.  A copy is attached. It seems to me these standards should be a point of departure in any conversation regarding the use of contemporary materials.  As chairman of my town’s CPA committee, we are required to ensure compliance with the Standards in any historic rehabilitation project which is approved at town meeting.

Jim O’Rourke
Somerset Historical Commission

From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Patricia Kelleher
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 9:02 AM
To: 'Chris Warner' <chriswarnerarch at gmail.com<mailto:chriswarnerarch at gmail.com>>; masshistpres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Cc: Susan at cs.umb.edu<mailto:Susan at cs.umb.edu>; Larry Spang (E-mail) <spang at arrowstreet.com<mailto:spang at arrowstreet.com>>; Reed Cutting <attorneycutting at gmail.com<mailto:attorneycutting at gmail.com>>; Jane Turiel <janeturiel at me.com<mailto:janeturiel at me.com>>; Laurie Weisman (E-mail) <salemknitter at comcast.net<mailto:salemknitter at comcast.net>>; Laurie Weisman (E-mail 2) <laurie.e.weisman at state.ma.us<mailto:laurie.e.weisman at state.ma.us>>; David Hart (E-mail) <davidatsalem at comcast.net<mailto:davidatsalem at comcast.net>>; Keenan <sue at suekeenan.com<mailto:sue at suekeenan.com>>; Joanne McCrea (jfitzmc429 at gmail.com<mailto:jfitzmc429 at gmail.com>) <jfitzmc429 at gmail.com<mailto:jfitzmc429 at gmail.com>>; Kathy Harper (E-mail) <kharper345 at hotmail.com<mailto:kharper345 at hotmail.com>>; Jessica Herbert (E-mail 2) <jherbert5 at comcast.net<mailto:jherbert5 at comcast.net>>
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Contemporary materials in Historic Districts

The Salem Historical Commission is also considering the appropriateness of new materials in the City’s historic districts and would be interested in hearing about the experience of other commissions in reviewing these materials.  Of particular interest is the appropriateness of fiberglass gutters as a replacement for deteriorated wood gutters.  The Commission is considering hosting a workshop on this topic next year and will forward information to the listserve when scheduled.

Patti Kelleher

Patti Kelleher
Preservation Planner, City of Salem
Department of Planning & Community Development
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Salem, MA 01970
Phone: 978-619-5685/ Fax: 978-740-0404
pkelleher at salem.com<mailto:pkelleher at salem.com>
Office Hours: Mon 8-3:30, Wed 8-3:30, Thurs 8-2:30

From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Chris Warner
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 1:07 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: [MassHistPres] Contemporary materials in Historic Districts


This June, I was appointed to the Falmouth Historical Commission, so the learning curve is steep. In discussion at our last meeting, Chris Skelly's name came up as someone who may have helpful information as we try to evaluate the introduction of newer materials into the palatte that building owners can choose from as they renovate, especially for buildings newer than say 1950, as well as new buildings that are in Historic Districts.

In particular, for a Cape style house, an Architect proposed a deck railing system made of PVC. The manufacturer, Intex has a reputation, profiles and pricing targeted at the higher end. Owners like the lower maintenance vs. painted wood that is popular in non-historic parts of town.

Thinking big picture and long term, as newer buildings and structures are recognized as significant, can you steer us toward guidelines that might allow for newer materials? We also discussed cross pollination with other waterfront communities such as Nantucket, New Bedford, Boston, Salem, etc. for consistency, so as to avoid the trap of special cases.
Chris Skelly felt "this would be a great question to ask on our masshistpres listserve.  Are you a subscriber to the listserve?" I was not, so, I signed up and am reaching out to the larger group for input. Is there any history of, or precedent for this topic?

Chris Warner, Architect
Falmouth Historic Commission
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