[MassHistPres] RFP for Southborough NR Nomination

Kate Matison kate.matison at live.com
Tue Jul 25 21:53:02 EDT 2017

Proposals Due:  11th August 2017
By Mail (2x DVDs):
Southborough Historical Commission
17 Common Street
Southborough, MA 01772
Any Questions:
Southborough Historical Commission historical at southboroughma.com<mailto:historical at southboroughma.com>
Description:  The Southborough Historical Commission is seeking proposals from qualified historic preservation consultants, to write a nomination for the National Register of Historic Places, in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's National Register criteria. The Southborough Historical Commission needs to submit a written National Register nomination as a requirement to create a National Register Historic District (NRHD) for Southborough's Main Street area downtown. The National Register nomination will include 73 properties along Main Street, and some properties running south on Latisquama, Cordaville and Middle Roads. (see map below).
For more information, including (a) Main Street Area, FORM - A (b) Map of the District and (c) Data Sheet link to:  http://www.southboroughhistoricalcommission.org/
The preservation consultant will be required to follow the guidelines set out by Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), and use the prescribed forms for completing the National Register nomination: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcnat/natidx.htm. The completed nomination should be submitted to MHC for approval. The consultant will work with MHC to resolve any questions and achieve final approval.
Once the National Register nomination is approved, the preservation consultant will be required to present the nomination at a public meeting of residents in the Town House, 17 Common St., Southborough. A representative from Massachusetts Historical Commission will also give a presentation.
Statement of Purpose: The National Register nomination is the final step towards the creation of the Southborough's first National Register Historic District.
Qualifications: A Bachelor's degree in Historic Preservation, Architectural History, History, Art History, or a closely related field, plus at least two years full-time experience in an area relevant to the project; or a Master's degree in any of the above-mentioned areas.
The consultant should include a current resume outlining their qualifications, including past work experience, and provide a link to a recent National Register Nomination.
Timeline: The consultant should complete the NR nomination in 90 days.
The Southborough Historical Commission shall award the contract to the responsible person offering the needed quality of supply or service at the lowest quotation.

Kate Matison
Vice Chair, Southborough Historical Commission
Member, Southborough Community Preservation Committee

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