[MassHistPres] MHC Workshop on Certified Local Governments

Skelly, Christopher (SEC) christopher.skelly at state.ma.us
Thu Aug 9 13:41:04 EDT 2018


The Massachusetts Historical Commission will host a workshop for Certified Local Government (CLG) communities on September 24, 2018 from 10:30am to 12:30pm at the Massachusetts Archives Building, 220 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston.  Attendance by all Certified Local Government coordinators and municipal representatives from the 25 current CLGs in Massachusetts is strongly encouraged.   However, anyone interested in the CLG program and the requirements and benefits of becoming a Certified Local Government is also welcome to attend.  The CLG program, a partnership between the federal, state and local government, recognizes a municipality’s community-wide historic preservation program.   See: https://www.nps.gov/clg/.

A benefit of CLG status is the eligibility to apply competitively for historic preservation grant funds annually allocated to the MHC by the National Park Service.  10% of these funds must be provided to CLGs.  CLGs participate directly in the National Register of Historic Places program, including preparation of National Register eligibility opinions and review of nominations.  This workshop will cover the process of CLG designation, the ongoing requirements to remain a CLG, CLG National Register eligibility responsibilities, and the annual  Survey and Planning Grant Program as it relates to CLGs.     The workshop is free to attend.  To register for the workshop, RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/certified-local-governments-in-massachusetts-tickets-48892481729

Christopher C. Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us<mailto:Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us>

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